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  On 9/8/2011 at 10:13 PM, Saturnine Tenshi said:
(minus the creepy sexual fixation)


Hear, hear! There was none of that!


And god... that's the only downside to ArkSys games... fucking re-releases. Even worse when they charge you for one of three new characters.

I thought that was Capcom's kind of thing? (still wants to buy SSFIVAE)

Anyone seen the new screenshots of P4Golden? New Character "Marie" seems kinda cool, she's got a sort of "trendy fashion" design, I like her! Other than that, everything else looks A LOT like PS2 P4. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.


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  • 6 months later...

I have gotten into this series recently. Well, when I say that I mean I bought P3P on the PSN store to play on my vita and am enjoying it a lot and am looking forward to P4: The Golden when it comes to the vita and will probably play the fighter at some point too.


Do I really need to play the first two, though? Paying 40 dollars for ps1 games is really hard for me to swallow.

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  On 3/16/2012 at 9:44 PM, Mister Jack said:

Do I really need to play the first two, though? Paying 40 dollars for ps1 games is really hard for me to swallow.


Not really. The stories are usually able to stand on its own, and the connections between 1 and 2 to 3 and 4 are very vague that you needn't bother. They seem like easter eggs more than anything, honestly. Plus, they play nothing like Persona 3 or 4, and not really in a good way...

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Played about 7-10 hours of P1 remake. They tried to make a complex and deep battle/level system, but the result is "meh". I can't play it after p3-4 because of the endless grindan. Gonna try P2 remake and P3P today/tomorrow.

Still curious about female protagonist. People say she offers a new perspective on the events of the game, but I never play as female character. Besides, there will be no Elizabeth. Bawwwww...

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  On 3/22/2012 at 10:27 PM, Mister Jack said:

And P3P is now beaten. That last boss took freaking forever, though. Probably gonna do it one more time with the female character, then wait until the vita re-release before I get to P4.


I just finished my second run with FemMC and it almost feels like a totally different experience, in terms of Social Links of course. Second runs through New Game + are way easier, mostly because you retain your Compendium and Equipment (not items though!)

I also relied on a Max ALL S.Links guide so I was able to get some pretty bitchin' personae. Mainly Helel, Lucifer, Messiah, Odin and Orpheus Telos. I ended up creating a full on monster out of Messiah.

Skills: [spell Master] [Thunder Reign]

[Magic Skill UP] [Morning Star]

[Mind Charge] [salvation]

[Elec Boost] [Elec Amp]


1 Tarukaja, 1 Mind Charge and Thunder Reign gives some serious damage, it's beautiful.

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I tried to max my social links in a NG+ with the MC but I think I still fucked it up somehow despite having max social stats out of the way already. Is it easier with the FeMC? If it is I think I'd rather just try it with her instead of consult a guide. I'd get to keep Orpheus Telos in a NG+, right?

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Actually I thought it was a bit more difficult to max some Social Links with FemMC, mostly because the system is more akin to Persona 4's S.Link system. Some characters you can become lovers with or just friends.



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Other than that, other social links remain the same as MaleMC's in terms of answers. Yes, you get to keep your Orpheus Telos in a NG+.

Speaking of which, I was going to attempt to give him all the ultimate elementals: [Panta Rhei] [Nilfheim] [Ragnarok] [Thunder Reign]


And possibly [Morning Star] and [Mind Charge] since I heard a lot of people doing this, but either I'm very unlucky or I just didn't have the patience to sit there pressing :PSO: & :PSX: until Telos got everything right.

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There is no secret to it. What you do is you select the two personae in the fusion chamber over and over again, backing out each time the end product doesn't pick up the skills you want it to. What's tragic is when you've been selecting and going back for long enough that you go to autopilot and then suddenly the perfect persona build comes along but you cancel it away before your brain tells your fingers to stop :(

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What I don't like about P3P is the absence of 3d areas outside of dungeons. Looks like a lazy port.

I mean, even P2 has fully rotatable beautiful 3d backgrounds with 2D characters(who look very much like pixel art on psp which is a plus).

Btw, enjoyed P2: IS very much, which is surprising. Waiting for eternal Punishment. Because I don't want to play it with old interface.

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I did like the "fast travel" aspect of it, although some more 3D models at least during cutscenes would have been nice. The graphic novel style is okay, but it does kinda take some of the impact out of some scenes. Oh well, though. From what I hear, P4: The Golden is going to have even more stuff in it than the original did, so I'm looking forward to that.

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  • 1 month later...

I'd say after, because I've got a good feeling there's gonna be a few spoilers thrown here and there even if the game itself might not be canon. Also looking forward to P4G. I recently started P4 on the PS2 on Expert and after 2 tries of shadow yukiko and some crying I beat her! Feels good man. FEELS GOOOOD

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  • 1 month later...

I hate to admit, but ive owned P3, P3 FES and now P3P, but I never got far into it til P3P. I need some help with the social links. Do I have to "maintain" them or are they always available? Like if I stop talking for a while to a certain person, will they get mad and my social link status will drop or will they just stop talking to me altogether? Or is it ok to focus on certain people first then later others?


Also, I think this thread needs to be moved since that Persona fighting game is also going to be on the 360. Im also also certain that if P5 gets made on the PS3, itll be 360 too.

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In P3P social links only drop if you say or do something to make the other person upset. Otherwise, you can theoretically max out a link and then completely ignore that person for the rest of the game. You can also date multiple girls/boys at the same time. In fact, in order to get the Orpheus Telos persona you have to max out every single link in a single playthrough. This is a lot harder than it sounds, though, and unless I'm mistaken it's easier to accomplish with the female protagonist than the male one.


I should mention that you can ONLY get away with being a cheating ass in P3P. Don't do it in the other versions.

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