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Fanatical love for a game or series?


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If any of you guys ever prowl steam chat or have over the last 2 years or so*Has it been that long?* you guys know that i am obsessed with Metal Gear. I literally own every title in the franchise that i could have gotten ranging from the original MSX games up to MGS:PW. If i had them here at home with me and not in storage i would go and take a picture of them all but sadly i cant. Im curious if anyone else here has the same kind of passion for a single game or even a franchise like i do.


Another note, i actually own some pretty rare posters from the launch of MGS:PW from japan that i got frame din my room, im pretty proud of them. Alas no pictures for now, maybe later down the line.

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I have a fanatical love for the Command and Conquer series (the latest in the Tiberium series doesn't count because that was a travesty; let's hope Victory Games doesn't screw up the next CnC) and the rather old Battlezone FPS/RTS hybrid franchise owned by Activision.


The latter I feel sad for because it literally has no chance of continuing its series because Activision owns it. And if it won't turn a profit, they won't make it. :(

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Metal Gear for me too. I don't know what it is about those games that I love so much. I will say I was a little let down by the story of MGS4 but I still loved the actual game. I will say that Assassin's Creed is quickly getting there for my current series addiction.

Edited by Yantelope
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  On 9/13/2011 at 4:02 AM, Dee said:

As many of you probably already know, I'm pretty fanatical about Uncharted. ;o Don't hate!


Drake is so dreamy! :D Seriously though, if I was gay...What?! The man's got style! That's all I'm saying!


For me it's probably Final Fantasy. Though I can't speak well of XIII, I find it hard to speak ill of any others I've played. Hell! For all it's bubblegum and pop, I really enjoyed X-2, I still believe it has one of the best ATB systems of any Final Fantasy. And V! The story may be a bit by the book but the game itself flows like a charm! Then there's Dissidia, Crisis Core. I even own and enjoyed Dirge of Cerberus.

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  On 9/13/2011 at 1:48 AM, Strangelove said:

I also have a fanatical love for Metal Gear. Its the only series that I buy a game and NEVER get rid of it. I buy every MG game day one.


Except Twin Snakes. I played it and sold it as soon as I finished it. What a pile of shit.

Yeah....i buy MGS consoles day one*Looks at Big Boss PSP and MGS4 PS3*. I by year end should own 4 or 5 different versions of MGS3. MGS3 vanilla, MGS3 Subsistance, MGS3 Subsistance Limited Edition, MGS3HD,MGS3DS*Maybe, want a 3DS but im looking to see if there is a MGS version of it coming out with launch for it*. Twin Snakes was not THAT bad. I enjoyed playing MGS with teh MGS2 FPS view and things of the like. Sure some of the scenes were changed a bit but i can see around those issues. I think im gonna go to storage and pull out my collection and im gonna put my framed MGS posters on the wall. Keep forgetting to do it.

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While I prefer MGS2's gameplay over MGS1, using that gameplay in MGS1 makes the game a joke. The game just wasnt designed for it. The Revolver Ocelot fight being the big example of that. Its laughably bad. If they were going to change the gameplay, the needed to change everything. Bosses, for one. Bigger levels. Better fucking animation. MGS2 still looks better.

Ive gone over other stuff thats wrong with Twin Snakes, so im going to stop now. I could be here all day.

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If I had to pick one, It'd probably actually be the Microsoft Flight Simulator games. Yeah, odd choice, but I have clocked so many hours in those games, downloaded so many addons and scenery, and even after playing 2002, 2004, and X to death, I don't really feel I've mastered them, because, well, I can't fly a real plane.


But if you want to fly a 747 upside down under the Golden Gate Bridge, I'm your guy.

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Beatmania/IIDX/DJ Max. I love these games and if I see an arcade I will compulsively play it (which is... about as likely as being gunned down by paintballs in a grocery store these days, but I used to see one or two every year or so.)


I've gone crazy for Touhou Project games and still enjoy them, but I don't honestly play that often anymore because those games are demoralizing like building a card castle in a wind tunnel, so I don't know if I'd say I'm a proper Touhou fanatic. I do have hundreds of albums of fanmade musical arrangements (which sounds jaw dropping, but it's actually a small sample of a big part of the culture.) It is literally some of my favourite music of all time.

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If you haven't noticed: the Ar tonelico series. I am by no means the insuperable AT Despot. But you could call me a baron or marquis. I have the entire collection of Ar tonelico music, thousands and thousands of reference images and files, work on the wiki page, there's a certain figurine sitting on my desk(missing her partner), I own two copies of the extra-limited NIS America edition of the games(one to keep sealed), doujin manga(one of which, as far as I know, is the only copy to have left Japan) and art books.


Though I'm embarrassed to say I cannot read the hymmnos language. Oh, and I've put together two exclusive Ar tonelico t-shirts for the community.

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I can't say I have a fanatical love for any series. I have fanatical love for specific games, but not an entire series' worth of games.


Even though I love the original Mega Man series in general, I think MM7 is mediocre and I hated certain things about MM10 (the music, for instance, was shit). I never finished MM8 either, it lost my interest right when I got to Wily's fortress and have never really felt the need to complete it.


I also think RollerCoaster Tcyoon is my absolute favorite game of all time, but that doesn't apply to the series. I hated RCT2 for being more of the same, only worse, and I quite liked RCT3 but nowhere near the first. I'm pissed off at the new 3DS game because it's really not my idea of pushing the series forward, and after 7 years of not having anything RCT related a 3DS pseudo port of RCT3 is just a dick move from Atari. I feel other massive fanboys of the RCT series are lapping it up just because it's RCT.


In short, I never get automatically excited "just because" it's from a certain series. No matter what part of a franchise it is, even if it's the original MM or RCT, if a game doesn't look good I'm not getting excited over it just because it's part of the IP I love. So yeah, I don't have any fanatical love for any series, even though I do have fanatical love for specific games :P

Edited by RockyRan
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  • 2 weeks later...

I realized I also have a fanatical love of Dead Space. I own all the games including the DS2 collectors edition, DS Ignition, and the iPhone game. I bought the book, the graphic novel, and I honestly still want the backpack. Ive also seen both of those goddamn movies.

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