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BF3 Beta


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I had bought Medal of Honour when it released, but traded it in after completing the campaign because it couldn't compete with Bad Company 2 for my time.


I'm steering clear of linear multiplayer betas following the Halo: Reach Beta. I absolutely hated my time with Reach during beta and yet I thoroughly enjoy the retail version of the game - although it's over-sensitivity to disk blemishes has rendered my extraordinarily lightly scratched copy useless. During the beta, obviously prior to game balancing thanks to beta statistics, I felt that a lot of things were mismatched and uneven. The retail version of the multiplayer component felt a lot more comfortable.


It's not that I have an aversion to beta testing in general, I've done a fair bit of testing for a few different MMOs and really enjoyed doing it. I think it's just that being a statistics guinea pig does more to dis-interest me than interest me.

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That's funny, I'm kind of the opposite. I will often get in a multiplayer beta, play it 24/7 for the entire time it's running, then barely touch the multiplayer once the game comes out. Examples: Modern Warfare, Halo 3, Halo Reach.


I think that has more to do though with me wanting to get a taste of a game I'm really excited for though, because generally I eschew multiplayer (except coop).

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For those who bought MOH on Steam, looks like this is how we get our early access.




Myself, I know I'll play the beta but I highly doubt I'll be buying the game unless it goes on steam. The alpha felt a LOT like the MOH multiplayer (BC3), and although I haven't missed a Battlefield game yet, I can't see myself going out of my way to a service like Origin just for this game. It didn't feel THAT good.

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So who here tried the Beta? What were your impressions?


I loved it but I may be a bit bias since I've been running servers and clans in Battlefield since BF2. The pace seems to be slower. As an assault class I noticed that actions take longer to do. Actions like throwing down a med pack take a few seconds more than I'm used to and often find myself staring down the barrel of a gun while still pulling out my weapon. It takes more thought as to when it is safe to heal team members and revive allies. Although it seems slower, it feels natural which tends to be a rarity in competitive FPS.


Operation Metro, the map they are using for the beta, was a great choice. As the attacking team advances it shows how drastically the terrain can change. You go from fighting in a flora and fauna filled courtyard to subway tunnels with abandoned trains, to a subway station with 2 floors connected via escalators to the final battle on a cover heavy city street. And oh yes... the new frostbite engine is amazing. (Until you somehow destroy a concrete wall with a med pack...)


As this is a beta it has it's share of bugs and annoyances. Some servers start to wig out and cause people to fall through floors. Reminds me of when I played the 2142 beta and people were falling through titans. Some gun models have problems where attachments and clips will hover above or to the side of the the weapon model. And of course, server crashes. This is par for the course for a battlefield beta. A lot of these same issues were issues in the alpha as well so Dice knows about them and will fix them. People need to understand the purpose of this beta is to stress test the servers and not so much the smaller issues they already know about. Honestly, for a "beta", it is very polished. I saw someone say this was more a demo than a beta, while some of that is true to give people a small idea of what to expect from the release next month, this is still very much a beta.


My biggest disappointment is that they didn't give us a taste of the vehicles in this beta like they had in the past. :(


So if anyone want to play together later today, friend me via origin. Nezacant is my name.

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  On 9/28/2011 at 11:02 AM, Nezacant said:

My biggest disappointment is that they didn't give us a taste of the vehicles in this beta like they had in the past. :(

The password for Conquest servers is sexyelevator. Not for long though, so be quick.


Some screenies from my friends and just from the internet.







Edited by Maritan
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  On 9/28/2011 at 6:42 PM, Maritan said:
  On 9/28/2011 at 6:12 PM, DukeOfPwn said:

Maybe it's because those are just screenshots, but nothing I'm seeing is making me go "Wow, I need to play this!"

Maybe you just can't enjoy games anymore?

...or maybe because it's the fact that they're screenshots.


Eye candy is nice, but you don't need to play the game to enjoy eye candy.


Also, from what I know from friends who are in the beta, there are some aspects of it that feel like Medal of Honor at times.

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  On 9/28/2011 at 8:20 PM, Pirandello said:

Also, from what I know from friends who are in the beta, there are some aspects of it that feel like Medal of Honor at times.

I facepalmed when I read that. I remember playing MOH beta, and these two games have very little in common.

Edited by Maritan
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  On 9/28/2011 at 11:02 AM, Nezacant said:

Operation Metro, the map they are using for the beta, was a great choice. As the attacking team advances it shows how drastically the terrain can change. You go from fighting in a flora and fauna filled courtyard to subway tunnels with abandoned trains, to a subway station with 2 floors connected via escalators to the final battle on a cover heavy city street. And oh yes... the new frostbite engine is amazing. (Until you somehow destroy a concrete wall with a med pack...)


I was with you up until there. I hate, hate Operation Metro, or at least I hated it in the alpha. The foliage is too easy to prone in (I bet I could hide in a bush for 10 minutes and not have anyone kill me) and the first set of M-Coms just turns into sniper camp city. The second set ends up with lots of dolphin diving, and feels a lot like the BC2 map Oasis with less room to move side to side. The outside set is pretty good, though, easily my favorite out of the sections.


Maybe it's just me, but I'm not really digging the whole "maps are now straight lines" layout they've been going with in some of these.

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  On 9/29/2011 at 12:59 AM, Sporkwaffles said:


I was with you up until there. I hate, hate Operation Metro, or at least I hated it in the alpha. The foliage is too easy to prone in (I bet I could hide in a bush for 10 minutes and not have anyone kill me) and the first set of M-Coms just turns into sniper camp city. The second set ends up with lots of dolphin diving, and feels a lot like the BC2 map Oasis with less room to move side to side. The outside set is pretty good, though, easily my favorite out of the sections.


Maybe it's just me, but I'm not really digging the whole "maps are now straight lines" layout they've been going with in some of these.

I should clarify since I agree with you on most points. I feel it was a good map to show the terrain possibilities within one map. However, it's still a rush map and like all rush maps (in BC2) they turn into a one sided snipe fest. I actually liked the underground sections better that that first outside section because getting sniped 20 times in a row gets boring after a while. I'm not a fan of Rush and hardly ever played it in BC2. I can't wait to try conquest. (Bring back Titan mode! :D)

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