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BF3 Beta


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Conquest mode is what I'd like to try but I'm on the Xbox beta. Played it a bit more last night. I enjoyed it. I still feel like the controls aren't tight enough and it's hard to tell where you're getting shot from sometimes. It's a fun game but not really making me want to abandon COD though.

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Been playing the game for the past hour or so on PC... its definitely impressive. I however don't approve of the game settings only being accessible once you've been deployed... it's pretty stupid. I agree the controls feel a little floaty but nothing that bothersome. The graphics aren't as amazing as the videos suggest but that's also because I'm not running 2+ graphic cards or anything, BUT the game runs incredibly smoothly and looks better than pretty much every FPS I've run on my computer.


EDIT: Anyone know the password for the Conquest servers? (Particularly in Europe)... I'm not sure if we're supposed to be able to get access to those or not... but I prefer Conquest over Rush thats for sure.


EDIT2: nvm figured out the way to join the servers without a password Got it from a random google search:




"Use Google Chrome as your default browser

Start BF battlelog server browser




copy paste

launcher.verifyPassword = function(game, gameServerGuid, plaintextPassword, callback) { callback(true); }


press enter


select server - don't enter a password - i.e. leave password field blank"


And thats it.

Edited by indyit
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Thanks for the tip! Also, settings only in game is unbelievably stupid. What are my unlocks? What are my customization options? Here let my team lose while I fiddle with it! For as good of a game as this is DICE have done some amazingly stupid things. I'm blaming the EA corporate machine for it.

Edited by Yantelope
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hahaha that's awesome xD Does sound like a troll, but then again there are wayy too many on the internet that are simply uninformed ("American developers"... I'm sure that many think that due to the game being published by EA for instance). I will agree that if Europeans are having a high ping in US servers they just shouldn't bother. And nice Swedish there Dean.

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I was only able to play half a match but the UI is terrible. There's really no reason why the server browser and all those thingimajigs can't be in the game proper, it baffles me as to why they force you to constantly click out of the game to join another one. Feels like I'm playing with one of those 3rd party multiplayer hacks. Completely unprofessional.


And yes, I too despise the in-game menu only being accessible after you've spawned. There's absolutely no reason for that limitation. Although the first 3 seconds of the game brought a smile to my face when I saw I could throw medkits on level one. Fuck you, Bad Company 2, for forcing people to be nooblet battlemedics at Level 1. Unlocking competence was, unironically, really incompetent.

Edited by RockyRan
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Playing it on Xbox, its pretty damn good looking. I can't stand some of the changes (the menu needs to be easier to access with a controller) and also the fact that they changed a few controls to be the opposite for no real reason (left puts out your ammo/health bag instead of right)

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I see the Beta is just as AWESOME as the Alpha. I currently have an award for Rush or whatever. I've yet to actually play. (Also came with 400 points to my rank)


It's still (like the Alpha) complaining on outdated drivers despite the fact that there's actually specially crafted drivers just for the BF3 beta. And of course it's still running through all the awesome pile of wank and shit that is battlelog.


I'm currently listening to the sound of birds. BF3 is happily chowing down on a few hundred megs of RAM while....oh and it stopped... not actually running.

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No setting to toggle for crouch :(


The game is still shooting itself in the foot from Alpha. The server browser just makes the entire experience an utter nightmare and won't be winning any favours.


Also the pretty much forced AFK when alt+ enter to go full screen is pretty annoying and lead to a fair few deaths too. (I assume that'll be fixed sharpish since it seems to be a bug than a technically on purpose thing that you can't do it until you've deployed without crashing)


Also because of the way it launches you can't add it to Steam for the overlay so that's pretty much a bugger. (And it does make you wonder a bit on why they've got the game launching the way it does given recent events regarding EA n Steam)


edit: Also it doesn't seem to like the graphics drivers that it makes you install too. Despite being the newest available (they're beta drivers for a beta game) they're still outdated as far as BF3 is concerned, and tells you every time you launch the game.

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Okay, played the PC version for a short bit. I gotta say the lag is way worse on the PC version. I also gotta say that this business with the laser sights is pretty retarded. Anytime someone with a lasers sight so much as glances in my direction I'm blind? That's real fair.


Also, for all the people who've complained about the XP system in COD giving experienced players an advantage, BF3 is complete BS to newcomers. You're given sticks to fight guys with RPGs and laser scopes and everything else. Screw that crap. Hope you get in day one because if you're a late comer to this game it freaking sucks.

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