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BF3 Beta


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Everything just strikes me as using the BF3 game to push stuff like Battlelog and Origin at the expense of gaming convenience.


This. EA may think that BF3 is a "must-buy" game and it will push people to put up with this stuff but speaking only for myself I can say that this is not the case. I'm planning on settling in with MW3 for a while and probably picking this thing up when it's cheap and has the balance issues resolved.

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but I think the issue is more with those that were on the fence about BF3.

That is arguable. I don't like origin and I don't know how to feel about Battle Log, but I'm still "on the fence" about the game.

It looks good, plays good(despite all alpha-beta issues), sounds good and Origin won't stop me from enjoying the game.


Agreed. I know I would enjoy the game nonetheless, it's just, as of now, I can't see myself shelling out $60 for it when it's still using Origin.


Maybe I'll pick it up in the Winter Sale when it gets cheap... Oh wait.

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Yeah the BC2 browser was a cluster at launch and it wasn't fixed for a long time. Most gamers pick a server based on low ping. That browser would only show the pings for about 20 random servers out of the thousand that were active. On top of that, the "join now" button had issues as well. It wouldn't populate empty servers. We had a server for that game and the first week or two we had a constant stream of players because our ping was one of the lucky ones that displayed on browsers. At that time servers were still unstable and tend to crash randomly. We had a server crash and since then couldn't get people to connect because our server would no longer show ping. Needless to say, we weren't going to pay money for a server that players wouldn't connect to so we killed it before that issue was fixed. Now a lot of those issues were blamed on the fact that the in game server browser was tacked on due to the fact BC2 was developed for console match making and not PC server browsing. BF3 is the other way around like they were in past battlefield games.


Now as for multiplayer server browsing it makes no difference really if it was in a browser or if it was in an in game client. Both connect to a central server in which you have to log into. If that server were to go down then you wouldn't be able to play multiplayer. The real question is, and GOD I hope this isn't the case, what about single player. Do we really need to connect to a central server just so we have a button that allows us to play single player? Ubisoft has been pulling this crap for a while now with PC gaming so it wouldn't surprise me if this was the case. EA isn't some high and mighty ethical gamer messiah that would say "This isn't fair." Then again, neither is Activision (Think Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2). This is an unfortunate trend in the PC gaming world. Still, we can wait a month and see how it is handled when the game is released. Maybe they will listen to the community and fix issues like not changing settings outside of the game or maybe they wont. We can only wait and hope.


(I do enjoy this friendly debate though. :lol: )

Edited by Nezacant
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To those saying alt-tabbing is quick: am I missing something? Because when I alt-tab from full-screen BF3 it takes a good 3-4 seconds of black screen time until I can see my desktop again. It's far more inconvenient than an in-game server browser that shows up immediately upon hitting ESC.


I still fail to see any reason why we have to do this hopping between browser and game. I see absolutely no advantage to this, and can see plenty of disadvantages.

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I still fail to see any reason why we have to do this hopping between browser and game. I see absolutely no advantage to this, and can see plenty of disadvantages.


Because Origin is going to make EA tons of money the best way to play Battlefield!

Edited by Yantelope
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I am puzzled at a lot of the choices made with this game. If it ain't broke don't fix it comes to mind... I will agree that the BC2 server browser was pretty horrible, but I always contributed that to my sometimes shoddy internet connection rather than the game (but now i know otherwise.) That the game crashes when you disconnect from a server is a very jarring experience and more times than not made me think my game crashed. The game has caused my computer to crash once, but I think that's just my computer beginning to get a little weird rather than the game (but again might be both.)


On PS3 - After having played about an hour, I'm still not sure what each button does... I only played as an assault, but I couldn't figure out how to spot players... I know it's Q on PC but no idea what it is on consoles. It doesn't help that button configuration lets you pick between something along the lines of Default, Alternate, Lefty Default and Lefty Alternate. I get what Lefty is getting at, but it doesn't offer any input on what alternate maps buttons as. It's pretty goddamn stupid. And I hope this is just a beta thing and will be addressed.


EDIT: Forgot to add, overall I'm still a fan of the main gameplay experience, and interested in getting the game, but currently not at full price. Everything feels pretty tight (at least on PC.) I think the laser/flashlight/lens flare... in most cases looks incredibly unrealistic and weird... but as a gameplay balancing tool I understand why it's there but it needs some kind of tweaking (particularly the laser as others have suggested above.)

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I still fail to see any reason why we have to do this hopping between browser and game. I see absolutely no advantage to this, and can see plenty of disadvantages.


Because Origin is going to make EA tons of money the best way to play Battlefield!


That's the thing, though, I start the game with Origin but then I use the Battlelog site on the web browser. I don't think it's because of Origin, I think it was just a crappy design decision :/


I don't know, Rocky. Could be hardware differences. I'm running at about 80% CPU and 60% RAM with the game going and hardly no time to alt+tab. It's strange. I don't think we should need to alt+tab for the browser, either. I use it to check on other things.


I actually haven't checked my CPU/RAM usage with the game on.

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Initial impressions: Core gameplay is fine. What the fuck lasers and sniper flash indeed. Internet browser server list is alright but yeah, doesn't make much design sense. Installing Origin actually nearly froze my computer...


Edit: Why does Origin freezes my computer when it starts up?

Edited by MaliciousH
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After a few hours of play, I'm confident enough that I'll enjoy BF3 at least as much as BC2...but I'd feel I'm missing out if I didn't give my two cents so here it is.

  • The server browser is probably the best they've ever done. It's annoying as hell to have to launch Origin then open the web browser and then start the game, closing the web browser however. Why the fuck couldn't they integrate this shit? I get that they want to get that community experience there but for feck's sake, they could have added a web browser into the game itself or go the full hog and integrate the lot without too much hassle. It's completely unnecessary to have to go through these steps.
  • Equippable knife I like but the hit detection on it doesn't seem that great.
  • I have a feeling I'll be playing Hardcore primarily again, I can appreciate some sponginess but the amount it takes to down an opponent coupled with the sometimes shoddy hit detection gets on my nerves.
  • WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I CREATE MY OWN SQUAD?! Earlier I was stuck in a game in a squad with 2 sniping camping fuckholes who wouldn't move past the first point, leaving me to spend most of that round running to the action.
  • The loading is nice and fast, between rounds at least. Dice have improved loads in this department since the BF2, 2142 days...but then again, so has technology so maybe not too much credit due there.
  • I like and dislike the movement, the weapons feel better than BC2 from first impressions but they don't feel great. Give me the precision I found in Hard Reset, that's what I want a PC FPS to control like. As for the movement, I like the extra actions - the slide to prone, PRONE!, the leap over obstacles...but going from prone to standing is a bit slower than it should be. No soldier in a battle is going to take that long to get off the ground.
  • I better be able to set controls to my mouse buttons. Early on, I lost count of the amount of times I died because I went to use the knife with one of my mouse buttons.
  • There are a few areas where crouching or going prone causes a hopping motion, I also think I've found a hole in the map but I'll have to check it out properly.
  • I've been having a graphical glitch where the screen would quickly flash to a solid colour like sky blue or amber. It doesn't happen often and it's gone as soon as it appears and my temps, while high, are within bounds so I'm putting this down to driver support.
  • I like how the round ends and how you die, I also like how leveling up, ranking up classes and using weapons more all have their own unlocks. It should mean I get more of what I want when I want it and keep me busy as I'll have something to strive for for a long time.

All in all, I'm happy with the beta. It's certainly a step up from the horrid BC2 PC beta, that's for sure. That beta has so many problems, it wasn't even funny. Oh yeah, is there a conquest map in the beta? I can't seem to find any Conquest servers.


PS. The flashlight is going to be a major griefing tool, mark my words.

Edited by MasterDex
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I both like and dislike that the beta is one mode. I dislike it because I'd have liked to try some deathmatch or something else besides Rush. I like it because if they'd given me the option to try deathmatch, I probably would have NEVER tried Rush. And I found myself liking Rush when I was doing well, which was occasionally. I had some minor issues, which may or may not have been me sucking.


I think it was dumb that the laser sight paints a huge red line on the ground. Mind you, this is when someone was using it against me. It's just silly.

I found it sort of hard to see people, but that's probably because I didn't have a scope and the map was massive.

I found that if you didn't shoot a guy within a second of spotting him, you're dead, but that may have been what other people were saying about an early advantage.

I found it hard to distinguish between my enemies and my allies occasionally when I was going sort of quickly, but I'll say that's definitely my fault. Halo's team colors spoiled me!

It is ridiculously easy to hide in plant boxes.

Like everyone else said, the during spawn weapon/option switch thing was bogus. COD had it right about getting your gear set up.

I loved the movement and vaulting and stuff! As my brother said, "Mirror's Edge with guns!"




Overall, I was having fun with it, but it probably could be tweaked. I was playing on 360, by the way.

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