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RIP, Steve Jobs

Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

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I'm in between Dean/Thursday and the rest of you guys here. Here's my two cents:


Jobs was a great man. Almost everyone has enjoyed something that has had Steve Job's stamp on it, be it an apple product or a pixar movie (he didn't create pixar but he certainly helped out financially).


Was he as great as Einstein? Of course not, that's ridiculous. Einstein furthered science in the biggest way possible at the time. If Jobs is a great man, Einstein is an incredible one. Steve Jobs didn't have the same impact on the world as Einstein.


I do believe he had an impact though, and that's important.


As for the "I don't so much care, let me know when my relative dies", I see your point but I find it sad when anyone dies, be it a relative, a friends relative, a stranger I read about in the news and a public figure. There are varying degrees of sadness for those. I'm not sat here crying because Steve Jobs is dead, but I would be if someone in my family died. I still find it sad that he is dead, and I have sympathy.

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RIP, I don't wish death upon any person. I never liked Apple, Apple products, nor Apple practices, but he made the market interesting in the sense that he pushed the competition further.


I saw people comparing him to Einstein and Leonardo Da Vinci. I'm with Thursday on this one. It's insulting to great contributors to be compared to Jobs. He was a business man and his business practices contributed to the market and our time, but his contributions didn't leave anything to humanity any more than Coca Cola did.

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I think the lesson to take away from all of this is that we should aspire to leave the same kind of mark that Jobs left behind on the world. Sure, he wasn't as important as Einstein. But he did make one hell of a difference for millions of people and became the face of technological progress for almost a decade. That in itself is an incredible achievement, and one that more and more individuals should work for.

Edited by DukeOfPwn
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Think about the fact that he died in the prime of the Apple cult. His death at the peak will elevate him to deity status now simply because he's avoided the inevitable downturn of all companies. People will now begin to speculate on all the amazing and incredible things he would have been had his death not been so untimely. It may be tragic for the person but it's actually quite advantageous for the now indelible cult of Jobs and Apple.

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Think about the fact that he died in the prime of the Apple cult. His death at the peak will elevate him to deity status now simply because he's avoided the inevitable downturn of all companies. People will now begin to speculate on all the amazing and incredible things he would have been had his death not been so untimely. It may be tragic for the person but it's actually quite advantageous for the now indelible cult of Jobs and Apple.


That is actually very true and history has proven that it plays out that way almost always.


Like I said, I didn't care much for the guy, but he was an insanely good businessman. I do consider that an achievement.

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Think about the fact that he died in the prime of the Apple cult. His death at the peak will elevate him to deity status now simply because he's avoided the inevitable downturn of all companies. People will now begin to speculate on all the amazing and incredible things he would have been had his death not been so untimely. It may be tragic for the person but it's actually quite advantageous for the now indelible cult of Jobs and Apple.


"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." ~Harvey Dent

In the eyes of Apple fans, this seems applicable.

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