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Most Influential Game Sites


Which is the most influential game site to you?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the most influential site to you (other than PXOD)?

    • Gamespot
    • IGN
    • Kotaku
    • Joystiq
    • Gamepro
    • Gametrailers
    • Giant Bomb
    • Official Xbox Magazine
    • Official Playstation Magazine
    • Nintendo Power
    • 1up
    • G4TV
    • Destructoid
    • Cheat Code Central
    • Metacritic (yeah, I know this is cheating)

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I'm not sure where to file this so I started a new topic.




I'm shocked to see Gamespot as #1 still and I'm a bit shocked to see anyone give any weight to an official XBox or Playstation magazine.


What would you guys say is your most influential game site?

Edited by Yantelope
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How do you measure how influential a site is? For one pretty much all the "influential" ratings they have are within tenths of a degree of each other so surely if one other person rated IGN slightly higher then suddenly it'd swap the whole thing around?


Also the survey is limited to PS3 and 360 owners only? What fucking crockpot shit is that?



(also Yante it's GameSpot not GameStop)

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The site that influences me most to buy games? It's not on there: GameCentral


From that list? Metacritic if I already have a game in mind. I look more at the +ve, neutral, -ve bars than the score, and from there I'll pick a couple of reviews to look at.

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I tend to look around for reviews. I like Eurogamer because they don't pull their punches. Same goes for RPS, really.

Giant Bomb do some entertaining Quick Looks, so I usually check them and Game Trailers to see what the game is actually like. Occasionally I do check IGN Video Reviews if I'm impatient. Rare instances I might see what Total Biscuit has to say.


As far as general features go, I tend to check around and a few of the biggies pop up on N4G (itself a collection of news from all around, obviously).

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Definitely GiantBomb and RPS for me. Not sure if TotalBiscuit counts either but he's sold me on many a game. There are some things I've learned to take with a grain of salt on both RPS and GIantBomb (namely the Battlefield series), but I really do like their coverage (recently) of games like Red Orchestra 2 or The Witcher 2. I think I'm just really finicky about details, and I feel like GiantBomb, RPS, and TotalBiscuit (to an extent) give a lot more detail than Kotaku and Joystiq, etc.


Or maybe I just really like Quick Looks.

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GameTrailers. For some reason.


Sometimes they're wrong, then other times they're fucking wrong. Still, at the end of the day I'm more likely to pay attention to what a GT review has to say so long as the review doesn't raise any "stupid" flags (RAGE's review, for instance, raised many such flags by insisting on its RPG roots despite Carmack explicitly stating otherwise). I think it's generally a good system.


For day to day news I go to Joystiq but prefer VG 24/7.

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Yeah, I know I've said this before, but the way the GameTrailers reviews are structured allows me to make a well-educated guess about whether I'll like a game or not, even if I completely disagree with everything they say about it. That's why they're my most influential.

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Joystiq, Eurogamer, Destructoid and RPS are the only gaming sites I've got added to my Pulse RSS reader, so those are my 4. But since I've got the Joystiq feed on a frontpage widget on my phone, that's my main one.


But I'm also a huge fan of Giant Bomb's video presentations. Just that doesn't translate too well when viewing on a phone RSS reader.

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