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Extra Credits


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Since it seems like Extra Credits is brought up rather often as a stepping stone for debate and discussion, I thought it would be a good idea to devote a forum thread to their videos and rants.




Their most recent one poses some interesting questions about the negative impact games can have on people, if designed by a lazy or hateful developer. I had never thought of modern shooters like that before, but upon further reflection, it is entirely possible that kids today may be affected by them.

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That's kind of always bothered me about modern war games, (MW, BF3, etc.). Fine and dandy for Americans, but probably very offensive to Russians/Muslims, etc. Of course, I'm not saying DICE/Infinity Ward have a "hidden agenda", I think they just want to make a game set in the modern era and mimic common enemies is all. But it still has this inadvertent bias that no one really seems to pick up on. The bias became extremely clear during that Medal of Honor multiplayer fiasco where the enemies were the Taliban. EA meant absolutely nothing by it, and there was absolutely nothing inherently offensive about playing as the enemy (as you often do in many video games), but many people were irrationally offended simply because the game is not pandering to US biases. EC probably should've used that example.

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Resistance: FoM also caused a bit of a stir over here in UK.

Wasn't that only because of the usage of a cathedral in Manchester? Not anything to do with English troops or whatever. If there is more to it, do tell.


Yeah over the use of the cathedral


"No Russian" was removed from the Russian edition of MW2.

Wasn't that a chicken out move as opposed to a response to negative feedback?


Can't really have negative feedback to what wasn't there.

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Talking about the future of gaming, brings up the Dust 514/Eve connection.


This is a really good concept that, unfortunately, at the moment is only being used for shitty marketing tie-in products, like some sub-par iPhone game that doesn't really do much.

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