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Driver San Francisco


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There's no topic for this already?!


I got the game over Dead Island back in August, and it's probably going to be one of my GotY's. Total sleeper hit for me.


Sure, the concept is retarded, and it's full of schlock tongue-in-cheek drama, but it's actually great. Excellent fun, good, smooth, spot-on simulation, pretty good writing.


The only suggestion I have is to play it in FPS. The default TPS view is awful, has no sense of momentum or action. I know a lot of people who were turned off because of the lack of a sense of speed and weird handling. In the FPS driver-view handling makes perfect sense, it feels Burnout-fast, and is visceral and smooth. The best FPS mode I've ever played in any driving game.

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Yeah, soz, ridiculously mental months. Been playing festivals (yeah in a band now!), writing Uni shit lots, workin my ass off, and dealing with various personal scenarios. Shit times. I'm still very much "in there", but just have no time. Since like mid-August. It's brutal.


Anyway, yeah, definitely get this game if you have a chance. Really amazing stuff.


And I'll try to finish it and review it, I've already got a structure for the review in mind, and that's half the battle.

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