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Necessary Viewing

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No particular order here... and these aren't all milestones, I guess, just movies I really think you should watch.

Escape From New York

Great Mouse Detective

The Usual Suspects

Pulp Fiction

Reservoir Dogs

Dr. Strangelove (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb)

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [The others are good, but Last Crusade is the best. Skip Crystal Skull if you decide to watch the others.]

Star Wars: Episodes IV-VI

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Blade Runner

Wayne's World

Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome

Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime if you prefer)

Spirited Away

Casino Royale

Duck Soup (1933)

Street Fighter

Plan 9 From Outer Space

Henry V (1989)


God, this list is so incomplete. But it's all I can think of right now. I'll try again later.

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Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure





Planes, Trains, and Automobiles



The Lion King

A Nightmare on Elm Street

The Thing

Big Trouble in Little China


LA Confidential

Silence of the Lambs

The Power of One

Jurassic Park

The Sixth Sense

Die Hard

Die Hard II

Die Hard with a Vengeance

The Nightmare Before Christmas




Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2

Psycho (not that Gus Van Sant shit)

Event Horizon


The Man with the Golden Gun

Diamonds are Forever

Live and Let Die


Every Pink Panther (except for that Steve Martin trash)



The Goonies

The Sandlot


Let the Right One In

The Great Escape

The Warriors

28 Days Later

Dawn of the Dead (not that remake)

Home Alone

American Psycho

Saving Private Ryan

Kubrick Films


The Matrix Trilogy

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Citizen Kane



Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Lord of War




Royal Tenenbaums


And this is just the beginning...

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Just gonna put a few here....

Once Upon A Time In The West


Metropolis (Fritz Lang)


Bridge Over the River Kwai

Back to the Future (The Trilogy)

The General

It's A Wonderful Life

Blade Runner

The Empire Strikes Back

Apocalypse Now

The Apu Trilogy

Drunken Master II


Tokyo Story


Lawrence of Arabia

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I think itd be easier to post which movies i SHOULD watch, but havent. Its just easier.

Ive never seen any of the Alien movies. None of the Indiana Jones movies, none of the Die Hard movies, none of the James Bond Movies, none of the Bourne movies, and I also havent seen Blade Runner or Apocalypse Now. Or Deliverance.

I also have never really cared for horror, so ive seen few of those outside of one of each of the big franchises. I dont do horror sequels.

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The Sting

The Rock

The Yearling

Ocean's 11

The Italian Job

The Jerk


Dirty Harry

Magnum Force

The Terminator

Iron Giant

Wizard of Oz

The Maltese Falcon

The Third Man

Con Air



Ben Hur

Fiddler on the Roof

The Longest Day


Links & more edits later

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Seven Samurai

The Apartment

O Brother Where Art Thou?

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (80s live action)


I'll think of more later...




And Schindler's List

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  On 10/17/2011 at 11:51 PM, Johnny said:

12 Angry Men


Well, I don't watch all that many movies, but this is my complete absolute favorite, even beating the elusive "Dude, Where's My Car?" 12 Angry Men is a movie so great that it only get's better with each repeated viewing. The characters are fleshed out, the actors play their roles amazingly, and even though it all takes place in a single room the scenes can be extremely intense. This movie has been called one of the best of all time, and it is plain to see why. I urge anyone reading this to make a note to see this movie as soon as possible.


"Dude, Where's My Car" was me half joking. I should probably mention I am not a stoner.

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  On 10/18/2011 at 12:58 AM, P4 (Pentium not Persona) said:

I'll list a few comedies, as we're lacking in that direction.



This is Spinal Tap

What About Bob

Best in Show

Dumb & Dumber

The Three Amigos (1986)



and may I say, all excellent selections.



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Dancer In The Dark. I can't say you would enjoy watching it but you certainly should.

Amelie. So full of joy if it doesn't leave you with a warm feeling I would genuinely pity you.

Clueless. Probably the perfect teen comedy.

La Antenna. So much imagination in this film - you won't see anything else like it.

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  On 10/18/2011 at 11:50 AM, Thursday Next said:

Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome is a terrible, terrible movie. I am going to pretend that I think you were joking.


Totally. I would've picked the second over that if anything.


I'm going to just write stuff I think is awesome. Even if some are obvious ones, the point was just to write films we like....


Infernal Affairs

House of Flying Daggers

City of God

North by Northwest

Rear Window

Four Lions

La Haine

The Battle of Algiers

Falling Down

The Big Sleep

The Hudsucker Proxy

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


Little Miss Sunshine

Three Kings


Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Twin Warriors


I'm guessing no one has mentioned it because maybe it is too obvious...

The Shawshank Redemption

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I'm probably gonna end up with ones you've seen. But let's do this anyway.


Shawshank Redemption: Great feel good film. (p.s you guys suck for it to take to page 2 for this to be mentioned)

Monty Pythons Life of Brian: Very funny film. Great lines. Banned in Wales. nuf said.

The Fifth Element: It's silly, stylish, fun, mostly lacking in CGI, great cast. I should pick it up on Blu-Ray

The Matrix (and Animatrix too): This I do own on Blu-Ray, whole trilogy. Great blu-ray film.

The Truman Show: Carrey really sells this. Great concept too. (especially when you realise it's over 13 years old n reality TV hadn't really caught on at that point)

Enemy of the State: (also 13 years old) Good thriller

Brazil: Terry Gilliam (of Monty Python animation sequence fame) It's not exactly a favourite, but it's a film I suggest watching just cos it's so trippy.

Last Action Hero: It's TV Tropes: The Film. It physically shatters the fourth wall.

Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrles/Snatch: Either or, they're practically the same film, though Snatch has higher production values.

Forrest Gump: It does drag on a bit, but it's an awesome film. some great photoshopping too.

Gattaca: Good one for a future where designer babies are the norm.

Stargate: I had this film read to me :P I could watch it just for the first ka-woosh.

Contact: Kinda like forrest gump this drags on. But probably best "what if we were contacted by aliens" movie.

T2:Judgement Day: Cos it's fucking awesome and there's a man made out of liquid metal who used to give me nightmares (the car part)

Die Hard: It's Die Hard. Best christmas film ever made.

Kung Fu Panda: Just a really enjoyable 3D film, some good lines from Dustin Hoffmans character.

FFVII:Advent Children: The plot I don't much get but it's a fucking beautiful film and one of the few I think "gets" the point of a photorealistic 3D film. Spirits Within is good too, just ignore it's Final Fantasy.

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I don't think I was impressed as everyone else seemed to be with Kung Fu Panda, but I do still remember one great bit. Where Po is lying about his dream, saying it was about noodles to appease his restaurant-owning dad (voiced by the wonderful James Hong). And then his dad is all, "You finally had the noodle dream!"

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Following the rule of "Not posting stuff that others already have:"


Agreeing with Dean about having Shawshank on page two. That's so bad.


Office Space

Children of Men

Yankee Doodle Dandy

Uncle Buck

The Blues Brothers

The Great Outdoors


Life is Beautiful

The Departed

Zodiac (David Fincher)


The Bourne Identity

The Bourne Supremacy

The Bourne Ultimatum

The Hunt for Red October

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button



The Emperor's New Groove

A Goofy Movie


I'm sure I can think of more. I'm surprised a lot of these weren't mentioned 'til now. More specifically Office Space, Predator, and The Hunt for the Red October.

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