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Well apparently the Guerrilla Games director said on Twitter that it has a digital manual, but I can't for the life of me find it.


*Edit* - In his tweet he said an "online manual" accessible from your PS4.  I was able to find a manual on the Playstation website, so I wonder if that's not the one he was talking about, and that it's accessible through your console web browser.  If so that's disingenuous to say the least.  Especially considering there's no apparent link to it in the game.

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  On 11/25/2013 at 5:36 AM, Waldorf and Statler said:

staySick: I'd highly suggest checking early this week for ps4 stock tracking sites. Most stores that receive shipments this week will probably wait for Black Friday. If you can't find any go to Black Friday as early as possible to a local Best Buy.

yeah I set up cell alerts with wiialerts.com, although it didn't work earlier when newegg had some in stock for a whole 18 minutes or whatever.  BB has already told us they would have them available on Sundays... when they sold out yesterday they told us try again next Sunday.  If they aren't opening at 8 am again next Sunday and at 10 or 11 I might have a better shot.


I've heard from a reliable source that (our local GS at least) is indeed hoarding any stock for Black Friday.  I wouldn't be surprised to find that Target and Toys R Us are doing the same.  I'm not planning on doing any Thanksgiving / Black Friday shopping because a) I agree going out Thanksgiving evening makes you a shithead, and b) We'll be with my Mother and that side of the family in the middle of Nowhere, Kansas.  So unless I want to get up extra early and drive half an hour to the nearest town with any sort of stores (Hays, KS) I might as well try online that day.  



  On 11/24/2013 at 5:41 PM, Mr. GOH! said:

Get an Xbox one if you want weird TV integration and Dead Rising 3, though. 



  On 11/24/2013 at 5:11 PM, Strangelove said:

whatever you do, dont get the Xbox One because theyre "there". Wait for a PS4. Dont settle. Youll regret it.

Oh yea I wasn't going to get an xbone just because it was the next gen system available at the time, I was just noting.  I do want DR3, though...

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I got to the killzone manual...forgot how...I think it was in the "launch area" of the game...like under the disc launch...let me check. BRB guyz! 


Yes, the manual is in the "overview" section. All the way to the right.


*That was my attempt at a Little Shop of Horrors joke.


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Well that's an entirely sensible location for it.  I looked in that area, I just must have missed it somehow.


*Edit* - It would be nice though if there were a prominent spot that all PS4 games had it, like the little icon at the top of the launch window for Vita games.  You always know right where to go for every game, so there's no confusion, and it's easily visible.  Like if directly under the game pane, where it has Overview, etc, one of those buttons was just "Manual", where you couldn't miss it.

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Oh I agree on it being the same across the board, TME.

I also think it should be ON THE DISC.

Not everyone has a net connection...and it's not like the manual takes up that much space right? Maybe 100MB if that?

Put it in the options screen like you suggested. I like that idea a hell of a lot better.

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Oh, is it not on the disc?


*Edit* - This shows how utterly immersed in tech I am:  I had a fleeting thought that "oh well, even if their PS4 isn't connected to the internet they can just look up the manual on their phone"

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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I think it should be standardized, and a link to the manual for every single game should be either here:




or here:




Preferably the first one.  For those of you who have not used a PS4, that second one is a picture of the menu that comes up if you hit the Options button on the game tile.

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  On 11/25/2013 at 8:08 PM, Waldorf and Statler said:



Unless it blue pulsating light of deaths on me. I'll find out later today after I take care of other shit.





I read that as "take another shit"


Which would explain the bathroom picture.


I've read game manuals in a bathroom...never the back of a console box.


I'm betting you did the latter. Didn't you?






On a slightly more Serious note...





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Jesus there's not a single PSN Avatar with a beer in it. And you can't buy new ones.


I wanted to get the fireplace dynamic theme my friend had on his ps3 but apparently PS4 doesn't have dynamic themes :(


Also I don't see avatars for sale. Guess I'm stuck with this one. Using FB pics would be nice if it didn't HAVE to be the profile pic. As my profile pic is really low in quality so in a big 1080p tv it's grainy as shit. Ugh. I want to be able to use this avatar for everything. Curse you PSN for not accepting twitter profile pics!

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Congrats on the PS4, man. I'm totally not burning with jealousy over here.


Does anyone know if the friends list cap expansion has been implemented? I'd imagine it happened on or before the PS4 release, but I'm not sure. If so, I'd like to start sending out some long-due invites in here.

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