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  • 2 weeks later...

I imagine it'll likely be more like the DSi bump, would cause issues I think if they went the New 3DS route (Which they have Nintendo to work from). Games will maybe run smoother, less FPS drops n what not but unlikely to have different games. Would sort of defeat the point of consoles if on top of having to install games, and run updates, and deal with crashes, and hard drive management, and all that you also had to check the minimum requirements too..... :P


I wonder if this is cos of the change to X86. In the past consoles it'd be a bespoke chip, and it would be improved over time, they'd usually reduce the NM and thus the power output and slim off a shit ton of the circuitry with each slim n super slim. But with X86 they're mostly off the shelf chips, would make sense I guess to just grab the latest chip off the line than redevelop the chip they already have.

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According to the article Sony is forbidding developers from having exclusive PS4k games, and they're also not allowed to even have any exclusive gameplay features or DLC or anything, the only thing they're allowed to change from one to the other is graphical fidelity/framerate.  That would also explain why the GPU got so much larger a boost than the CPU or RAM.


The thing I'm worried about is devs already seem like they can't be bothered to properly optimize their games on console, and it seems likely that's only going to get worse once the newer version comes out.

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That said, while ultimately I'm disappointed about the announcement (disappointed that it's really a hardware upgrade and not just a slim), if it has a 4k bluray player then I'll probably get one and sell my old PS4.  Though the weird thing is that Eurogamer says from the specs they've seen it doesn't appear to have a 4k bluray player.

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That's true, I hadn't thought about the dev units not needing one.  It's not like they could use the newer discs for games since the games have to be backcompat with the old PS4 anyway, which couldn't read them.


With the performance what I really mean is there are some games that have released with what I would consider unacceptable levels of performance already (like Assassin's Creed Unity), but obviously those got past Sony, and I'm just worried those will become the norm on the old version rather than the exception.

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Will Sony continue to manufacture and sell old PS4s? What will be the price to buy your way out of the PS4 ghetto and into the (slightly better, but still ghetto compared to PC) PS Neo?

Gotta think they'd give users who've bought a PS4 in the last few months an option to upgrade for a reduced fee. I think the Giant Bomb guys were talking about 'send in your ps4 and $200 and we'll send you a Neo'.


If you've had your PS4 since launch, well then fuck you?


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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I recall that when the PS4/Xbone came out, places like Gamestop and Best Buy there were trade-in deals like trade in your PS3 or 360 for $100 and $x for games. It was pretty damn sweet considering the age of my neglected 360 and it helped me buy my Asus T100. It made me spend money at Best Buy so it  I can imagine them doing something similar.

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Yeah, I sincerely doubt the manufacturers are going to offer any special deals to recent buyers, but it wouldn't surprise me to see places like GameStop offering special trade-in deals.

Kind of a shitty way to treat people that you'll eventually want to buy that new console though isn't it?




Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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The console manufactures don't sell you the console. As mentioned it's likely Gamestop/GAME/local equivalent will do trade-in deals like they always do with newer consoles but I don't think there's any precedent for the manufacturers doing it. What'd they do with the second hand consoles?

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I know it's not quite the same situation, but nintendo's ambassador programme when they had the hefty price drop on 3ds is the nearest thing I can think of where the manufacturers directly made a gesture of good will. So they could offer a selection of games for download, like they did with the pan outage, if they're sony published it wouldn't cost them that much?

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Who's going to buy this thing if they've already got a PS4 and developers aren't incentivised to really use the new hardware?


Of course Ethan forgot about Tearaway Unfolded. Heartless bastard.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Edited by danielpholt
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Tearaway Unfolded is still fairly recent, I was specifically thinking of older/launch games that haven't been free yet.


Re: incentives, apparently beginning with games released in October developers are required to make Neo and Base versions of their games (which are on the same disc and just launch the appropriate code depending on which console you put it in), and the Neo version must have a native resolution of 1080p or higher, and must have a frame rate equal to or higher than the base version.  It's a condition of developing for PS4 at all, which seems like a pretty strong incentive to me considering how many millions of base PS4's are out there that developers are going to want to get at.


Granted, that could result in lots of devs just bumping the Neo version up to 1080p and calling it done, and lots of games already meet that target at least some of the time.  Any games with dynamic resolution scaling could just turn that off to lock it at 1080p and from my understanding that would satisfy the requirements.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I posted this on Twitter, should totally share here. I know little of the technical dowitzits going on but apparently the "Help" functionality in PS4 provides a bit of a gateway to hacking the system which means this happens:


Ideally it could be trimmed, but I guess if you do that folks will be all "but you cut straight from booting Linux into Steam then into Bastion. FAAKKEE!". By accounts it runs like shit at the moment, but it's a work in progress and Linux isn't ideal for gaming at best of times. But given the heft inside a PS4 it should be a pretty capable system for running smaller indie titles n such.

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