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Blizzard Account Recovery


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The other day I received an email from Blizzard informing me that my account had been hacked and was being used to spam in-game. Until this point, I was entirely unaware that this had happened since I hadn't used the account in a couple of years and had received no other notification from Blizzard that my account may have been compromised before this email. Considering no other account on the email was hacked, I didn't click any of those dodgy "blizzard" emails and I've kept my PC clean of viruses and so on to the best of my knowledge, I don't know how this occured. But that's beside the point of this thread. It got hacked, I found out and so I've set about reclaiming the account.


The first step was changing the password. With that done I moved on to the next step, changing my email. At this point I hit a wall as I could no longer remember what I put down for my security question - I explain why in the following support ticket.


I think it's time to get to the point of this thread. To get my email and security account changed, Blizzard requests proof of ID. The level of proof of ID, however, I feel is too great as surely they don't need as much as they ask for to be sure I am who I say I am and I'm not too comfortable sending the level of proof they require.

Read the following ticket to find out how things are going and then I'd love to hear your opinions on this. Is it too much? Just right?



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I really admire the level that Blizzard goes to to ensure account security but I feel this might be too much. So fire away with your opinions! Tell me how wrong I am!

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On the one hand it's a pain when you need to go through all the hoops. On the other, it insures that it's pretty close to impossible for someone to permanently take control of your account.


I've been down that road twice myself, and while it's a bit of a pain, I think it's mostly for the best.


If I was still playing WoW, I'd buy one of those cheap-ass authenticators they sell. It's not impossible to hack through that added security either, but it lowers the chance REMARKABLY.

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I had the same issue. My email got hacked, and so did my Blizzard account. Someone used my email to create a battle.net account so I couldn't even recover my anything. I called blizzard support and they basically asked for my credit card number and then fixed everything for me. I really appreciated their help and registered it to a new gmail account. Then I was hacked again. I called again and they were like "yea, someone really likes your account" I then just asked them to delete it, and figured if I was going to play again, I had to start over anyways since my characters were deleted for too long to recover and I would just rebuy the battlechest for 25 bucks and start over. Frankly its been over a year since this happened and haven't really wanted to spend the money to get back in the game. So, for me, this was somewhat of a good thing. Still annoying, but I always check my credit card spending, so it didn't really change much else.... except for the spam mail that I get asking for my email and password to my battle.net account... and I know those are scams. One did promise me into the diablo 3 beta though...

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