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I carved out the traditional pumpkin face one today with the kids, only one of which was okay with getting the hands dirty. The other was kinda grossed out.


But, as easy as some people make it look, that ain't easy. No matter who doesn't love your pumpkin, oh mighty one, at least you know the love and work you put into it. I'm roasting the seeds tonight, which also makes a good memory.

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Does anyone here do trick or treat properly? Apparently when you say trick or treat and the householder says treat your supposed to give them a treat (e.g. sing a song or do a little horror routine) and then they reward you with the sweets? Round here people just say trick or treat and you give them some sweets.

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I don't celebrate Halloween. It's not due to my Christian nature (though I know people who don't celebrate due to their faith) but more due to my general hatred of what Halloween is. Apparently Halloween is the second most expensive holiday after Christmas. I don't dress up in costumes and haven't since the third grade (my mother ORDERED me to go Trick or Treating that year) and we don't hand out candy at home.


The only reasons to have Halloween, in my opinion, are:

1) Every October 30th I play the Mercury Theater on the Air version of "The War of the Worlds"



2) It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (due to this scene I always play a lot of WWI songs)


3) An excuse to watch classic horror films and other specials

So far this year I have watched "Mad Monster Party" (a Rankin Bass film) and tonight I will watch a Godzilla film. I am not sure which yet.


Other than that ... BAH HUMBUG!


By the way, it's also Reformation Day if you're a Lutheran.

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In England you dress up in masks and stuff, pretend to be upset about a lack of jobs and the unaccountability of police, then you go up to shop windows, shout something about wanting your taxes back, throw a brick and take whatever you want.



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I've never understood why Christians might be opposed to Halloween given the day it's een-ing and that Christians have never really had an issue with taking part in pagan festivals before...


I guess I'd be joining in with a disapproval of trick or treats. I won't be handing anything out anyway since I'm in a flat. My mum likes doing the whole trick-or-treating stuff but she has a strong disaproval of teens coming around, especially when most just slip on a Scream mask n that's about it. The Mischief week part could definitely be doing with being curtailed, just an encouragement of yob behaviour.


I'm all for kids doing it, and the pumpkins n such are all fairly decent (especially the resultant pumpkin pie n soup). But it's increasingly becoming a cover of being able to go around with a mask n going fucking about.


/GTFO my lawn

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I just wear this Sark hoodie from Threadless for the day. I really like thin hoodies like this, but this is the only one I own, and this is the only time I wear it because I'm worried it will make people think less of me.


I also don't really Trick or Treat. I've gone off sweets entirely, which wasn't too hard, since I never ate many in the first place.

Edited by DukeOfPwn
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Trick or treating is a kids thing here too. For adults it's either just putting up decorations and handing out candy to trick or treating kids, or going to a costume party, or just watching a horror movie marathon, or some combination.

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Trick or treating is a kids thing here too. For adults it's either just putting up decorations and handing out candy to trick or treating kids, or going to a costume party, or just watching a horror movie marathon, or some combination.


Sorry, those were two mutually exclusive opinions. Firstly I believe halloween to be a kids thing. Secondly, I am delighted not to go all out for it like americans seem to.

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  • 1 year later...

So any plans and suggestions? It's a bit annoying it's a weekday this year or it'd be totally into it, but so far it's a bit up in the air. Currently best suggestion I've seen so far is:


(Hotline Miami.)


No doubt this year will see plenty of baldcaps and bags full of dyed sugar crystals.

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