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I recently dl'd and played Full Throttle, also dl'd Grim Fandango and Monkey island, although I haven't played those yet. I love point and click ever since Sesamsy Street: Find the Alphabet and Freddy Fish.


I generally enjoy the web-based flash escape-this-facility games as well.

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Where did you get Grim Fandago? I was under the impression it's pretty much unplayable on these new computers. I'd love the play that game again, it was genius!


I'm still waiting to play the Devils Playhouse.. download times are incredibly slow.

To refresh my memory I've been playing What's New Beelzebub (ep. 205) in the meantime.

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I have not yet started it up, might be that I run into problems getting it to run, although I assume there are emulators available that'll make it run smoothly. Full Throttle ran perfectly anyway. Never played GF before, but I've heard good things and I generally really enjoy Tim's work, so I'm hopeful.


Haven't heard of Devil's Playhouse.. worth looking into?


I'm also totally fighting the urge to download Freddy Fish again.. Haven't seen it in 12 years, give or take.

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It's out?! But .. but, but.. it's not on Steeeeaaaamm :'(


First episode is supposed to be free, though, right? :unsure:

I remember reading somewhere it would be free, but it doesn't seem to be the case... damnit!


Kinda sucks that there aren't any great deals on Steam for Telltale games... :(

One of today's deals is Tales of Monkey Island for 17.49$ and I paid 5 bucks for it not even two months ago.


Wait, just checked on Steam and it seems there are now some deals. On the first day of the sale everything except the holiday pack was full priced (and the holiday pack didn't even include S&M season 1...), but now Strong Bad is 15$ and a pack for S&M season 1 and 2 is 30$.


Seemed crazy that Strong Bad was 30$... the whole seasons costs 15$ on PSN and it came out like yesterday.

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They were announced at the same time, but it will be a good while before Jurassic Park. No clue how they intend to do it. It's definitely the most mature license they've picked up. And dinosaur chases are a bit hard to convey in a point and click. Who knows.


As far as Back to the Future goes, I love it. The writing is great and it's just like seeing a fourth movie. I don't wanna spoil it, but I'll just say that a bunch of the classic moments, lines, and gags from the trilogy are brought back for the new story. It had me grinning so many times.

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I was considering getting Back to the Future, but since I don't even recall ever seeing the movies (That's right. I said it!), therefore not being a huge fan, I guess it doesn't hold much value to me.


Right now I've just finished Sam&Max 302, and I love how 303 (gameplay spoilers, I guess)


starts out like a film noir.


I love it. Sam and Max never disappoint. :tophat:

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I was considering getting Back to the Future, but since I don't even recall ever seeing the movies (That's right. I said it!), therefore not being a huge fan, I guess it doesn't hold much value to me.




FIX THAT! Buy the DVDs, torrent them, go to the video store, I don't care! But you MUST see them ! :bun-shake:



Seriously though, without nostalgia goggles, I'm not really sure how the movies would hold up nowadays.

I can't help but think that they're brilliant and I know them by heart, but for someone watching them for the first time now? Who knows.


Anyway, it's out on Steam! I must go get it! :bun-trample:



I'm also strongly considering getting Strong Bad for 15$ and the first two seasons of Sam & Max for 30$.

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Well the thing is I don't like having my games split up between different websites.

At least with Steam I have them all in one place, and if I have to pay a few more bucks for that convenience, then so be it.

Plus, the Steam application is a more direct way to access them than having to go to a website.


But yeah, most Telltale stuff is 50% off on Steam right now.

I'll probably hold off on buying anything for now, though.

They might get better discounts before the holidays are over.


Anyway, played BTTF Episode 1 for about two hours so far and it's just so awesome :D

When I was playing Tales of Monkey Island ( which I still haven't finished... ) I usually played the episodes in one sitting, but I can't bring myself to do that with BTTF considering the next episode is over a month away :|



edit: wow... that was.. short :( The episode barely lasted 3 hours.

It was awesome from start to finish but it went by so quickly. The Monkey Island ones would last me on average 4-5 hours each, so I expected something slightly longer.

And the next one won't be coming until february :'( I hope they won't all be this short.

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