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*Edit* - That one's "downloadable" (meaning I think they e-mail you the code), but I know Walmart carries the actual physical cards.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Hoping for a 25% off deal at Christmas. C'mon Sony.....c'mmmmonnn. Ya know I'm good for it. This is something Nintendo and MS should do. Really improved Plus has. And getting the Vita plus with your regular PS3 plus? That's a deal SON.

Edited by excel_excel
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  • 4 weeks later...

I was hoping last night would be the night for this. Later in the month I guess. I'm not really interested in Limbo, and I'm done with Arkham City, but another shot at those Vanquish challenges is something that I've been considering for some time. I'm ready for more abuse.

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Holy shit is that real? Vanquish I've been waiting to buy for at least a year (it's on my "well I have an extra $25 this month" list) and Arkham City I was just going to get on Steam eventually on some crazy sale. Definitely stoked on this. I'm guessing those will be next month or in 2 weeks (Christmas) and not part of the Instant Games Library. We'll see.

I am excited to get SSF4AE for free. We've been playing a lot of drunken local multiplayer at my apartment lately to start or end our nights.

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December's update. Potentially US specific? I don't know.


Anyway, it's free Anomaly: Warzone Earth, which is a good reverse-tower-defense game that I recommend to anyone who doesn't already have it, plus a bunch of stuff on sale.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Been playing Virtue's Last Reward and loving / hating it in equal measure. The actual puzzling is great. Very little hand-holding with regard to how you actually solve the escapes. The "novel" sections on the other hand are soooooo frustrating. The first time they explain the AB game they set out the rules, then someone says it's "like" the prisoner's dilemma (it is in fact exactly the same) then they go on to explain the Prisoner's Dilemma and then follow up by explaining the AB game again. Not only do they explain it three times, but they do it in the most tedious way possible. It got to the point where I had been "playing" for an hour and had done nothing but skip through dialogue, after dialogue, after dialogue. I had to turn off my Vita before I launched it across the room out of frustration.

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