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Friendship is Magic

Mister Jack

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I like LMFAO's music videos because of how dumb and ridiculous they are. Not too big of a fan of the songs, but I can appreciate incredibly dumb music videos.



Dumb and ridiculous music videos? I believe the Foo Fighters take that title.


EDIT: And I also wanted to use that GIF.

Heh, fair enough. Can't get much more ridiculous than Lemmy driving the band around and careening off a cliff.

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She's getting threats? I couldn't really find any when I looked at her page.


She was when I last looked. Also, shamelessly copy-pasta'd from a tumblr because this sums up my feelings on the matter.


I’m not sorry to say this - but I honestly don’t give a fuck. In the end it’s just a cartoon, not something that was intended to be taken seriously - ever.


I don’t believe in fanons seriously, never did, my view on fanon is that it’s just something fun to play with but it should never be something to obsess over or treat like it’s the bible - that only ends in unhappiness.


The show is THEIRS, not ours. Always have, and always will be - the best we can and should do is just enjoy everything they have to offer. That’s how I always enjoyed my cartoons and other things over the years, I never demanded the creators do/change something to our liking - I just was thankful for what they gave. My view is that it’s their story, let them tell it the way they want to. And if I get tired of it, that’s okay - I just move on.

Maybe it’s just me but the edit may have been the best move.


Giving in to the fanon deliberately tends to be a bad idea in my personal view as it means the audience is controlling what creators do. (I know it’s not completely true but I just worry sometimes that could happen and the results will not always be satisfying to everyone involved). I wouldn’t want that to happen in my own works. (a little teaser there and here is fiine but making it so blatantly obvious is…usually not good). So, It’s over, they edited it, so what? Just move on and enjoy what the future may have to offer.


What people SHOULD be grateful about is the fact they kept the scene inact. That’s the most important part. Who cares if her name was removed or her voice changed? The whole story and character are still there - and that’s all that matters. The show is still good.


Move on people, in the end, it’s only just a cartoon. Feel free to think what you want, I just wanted to voice my own thoughts/suggestions. I’m not gonna try and change yours, just making a statement.




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The change itself isn't what bugs me as much as the fact that a whiny minority with a stupid opinion got their way yet again because they screamed loudly enough. I'm a pretty liberal guy, but I still think that political correctness is just out of fucking control in this country and people get way too easily offended nowadays. Sure, there's a line, but I think people should be able to just take a joke a little more often. When people go on crusades like this it just spoils everybody's fun. It's actually harder for me to enjoy her cameo now because my mind can't disassociate it from all the drama that surrounded it. Even if Derpy was mentally handicapped (she's not), was what happened in her appearance really so terrible? Was it really worth people getting so riled up over? It's not like she was drooling all over herself with a helmet and oven mitts on. She just bumped into some stuff and made a big mess. The world would be a much nicer place if so many people didn't take so much offense to such tiny things. Ultimately, though, that's a discussion for the politics thread.


If we take my political views out of it and judge the clip on its own qualities...I still don't like it. It's not the fact that the voice was changed, but that the actress who did it was totally phoning it in. If Derpy ever talks again, which I kind of doubt will happen now, I hope like hell it doesn't sound like that.

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