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Friendship is Magic

Mister Jack

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Well, that episode was extremely entertaining


-Derpy. LOTS of Derpy in this episode.

-Fluttertree also basically becomes canon. I doubt they would've made that joke if it weren't for the fandom.

-1950's-styled education films! Equestria probably has movie theaters now.

-That steroid pony is kinda freaky.

-SO MUCH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Fluttershy got a ton of it in this episode - kinda wish we could get the same kind of development for Applejack or Rainbow Dash. They're both lacking in comparison. Training montage was pretty funny too.

-Twilight being nerdy. Always fun.

-Spitfire cameo! And with lines, too.

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Obviously I liked this episode, what with Fluttershy being my favorite. Probably one of the better confidence stories in cartoons given that "every bit counts." Usually it's a cliche where the character somehow enters God Mode and then they have confidence. Fluttershy may have still been the slowest, but she did her best and helped everyone achieve the minimum.



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