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Friendship is Magic

Mister Jack

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Season 3 has been confirmed to be 13 episodes long, and of course, people are already panicking about it.


1.) 13 episodes a season is the norm for cartoons. Friendship is Magic was definitely the oddball for having two seasons with 26 episodes each.

2.) They're making too much money off the show to possibly cancel/go for syndication. The Hub knows it, and Hasbro knows it.

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After 13 more episodes, they'll officially have enough to sell the show into syndication, which is where the REAL money is. They probably want to get that as soon as possible and then start working on another season after it's a done deal. There's not a chance in hell the show will be canceled now. The Hub is a new network, and ponies may just be the one thing that has made it successful. Launching a new tv channel is REALLY FUCKING HARD. You have to have really good programming or you'll be dead in no time. Without the popularity and attention ponies brought to the Hub, who could say if it would even still be around. No. It's their bread and butter and they know it.

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So you guys might already know about this but in case you didn't I'll share something Lauren Faust said recently.


Scootaloo was designed as a handicapped character. Her inability to fly was not meant to be caused by inexperience, but a birth defect that would prevent her from being able to fly for her entire life. Lauren planned to have a Scootaloo episode where she found out about her disability and became depressed because she'd never be able to fly like Rainbow Dash. However, in the end she she'd learn that not being able to fly doesn't mean she can't accomplish great things, and that her special talent lay in the very thing she thought was holding her back.


Her scooter.

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Last original song of a dude from the club on campus. He's joining the Army with a goal of special forces. I haven't been active in the club this quarter so yeah... surpised me. So yeah, he's going to friendship all the baddies in the future. Also, if you are wondering how this guy look like... he can do it. He's a quieter, redneck looking, Jeep customizing bro. He's also a brony. What a diversed bunch we are.
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