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Sonic Generations


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Well, I guess there are only a few instances where you are forced to get it exactly right, but getting to some of the trickier routes is going to be tough. I'm not liking how finicky the lock-on thing is either, especially since a mis-time causes Sonic to zip forward a bit anyway. But when it does work, it is very good.


EDIT: Also, this is a pretty terrible PC port. Lots of CTDs, framerate hiccups. And, from looking around, I've experienced camera and control issues that others have mentioned.

Edited by Hot Heart
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So, I finally got a chance to play this game (I downloaded the Demo from Steam) and quite frankly it played like crap until I turned down all the settings. That's really more my crappy video card and 4 year old processor than anything else but still annoying.


I did enjoy it and plan on picking it up at some point (I should actually play through Sonic Colors first) but it proved my Nyko PS3 controller was a bit off so I need to now buy a new PC controller as well (perhaps a wired Xbox one this time)


I'm also tempted to pick up the PC version of Sonic CD but again, I need a good controller for that. Perhaps one of these ...


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