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US Politics

Thorgi Duke of Frisbee


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  1. 1. Death Penalty

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This is probably one of the touchiest subjects we could ever hope to address on a forum, but fuck it, we're all level-headed adults here.
Ben Kuchera mentioned this on Twitter, and he's right on the money; children will die because of this bill, and it was effectively passed to further discriminate against minorities/sexual orientations. It makes me sick.

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Yeah, I heard of this a few days ago. I joked about it with you know... terrorism.

Michigan has a very sizable Muslim population and well, fuck, its religious bullying so it is okay if they counter bully with bombs!


Seriously though, hope it is shot down quickly for the sake of the sane ones in Michigan.

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Mississippi has an incredibly-dumb proposition that's about to be voted on. Dubbed Prop. 26, it will classify embryos as people the moment they're conceived. This will turn abortion into murder, and outlaw all birth control. Clearly, the people who drafted this prop. are idiots of the highest fucking echelon.

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I hope I don't step on anyone's toes, but after watching Nancy Pelosi on The Daily Show, it reminds me of why I ever so hate politics. Essentially, she went into a full-on gush of "Democrats are better because Republicans are vile, despicable people!"


I don't claim to be a part of any party, to make matters clear. As an outsider, all I see is what looks very similar to "fanboyism." Supposedly, back when I was a child, Democrats and Republicans actually, get this, worked together to improve the country. That's got to be fairy tale because for the last decade I'm pretty sure the two parties have been in an everlasting gladiator duel.

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Everything I know of US political system says that it's not meant to have a two party system at all, in fact afaik it's not meant to have a party system full stop. You guys have "independents" sure but the fact they're put in this dismissive category of "independents" is making me think people don't think much of them. While we may think BNP is a joke we take em serious enough because we know they can gain seats.

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Yeah, the voting system in the States need a major overhaul. Oh hey, something a offshoot of the OWS can get behind, I think. :|


I ALMOST don't even want to vote for the President or whoever because its such bullshit.


And now this:

Edited by MaliciousH
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Everything I know of US political system says that it's not meant to have a two party system at all, in fact afaik it's not meant to have a party system full stop.


That's exactly right, and it's the reason why politics in the US will continue to be little more than a pathetic joke.


The very foundations that US politics root themselves in are a complete perversion of what was originally intended with the actual constitution, right down to the tit-for-tat two-party system that basically only lets people choose between Conservative and Conservative Lite. Both parties are just as equally corrupt with more similarities and differences, but someone along the way thought they'd make for a great presidential campaign if they just lambasted the opposition and everyone supporting it. These two parties are the same and yet they spend their time tearing the country in half with their idiotically misguided ideas of rallying supporters. We're getting the shit part of two opposing sides without, you know, the "opposing sides" part.

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Last night in the political debate, GOP candidate Rick Perry was listing the three departments his budget plan would cut, and he forgot the third one and just stood there stammering and finished with an eloquent, "Oops!"


that basically only lets people choose between Conservative and Conservative Lite

Funny, because there are hardly any fiscally conservative candidates out there at all, other than third party candidates. In my eyes it's liberal spenders and liberal spenders lite. I suppose that depends on where you're standing or what issues you're talking about though.
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