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Thorgi Duke of Frisbee


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  1. 1. Death Penalty

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Considering that guns have been a prevalent item in American history from the Revolution to the Wild West, outside of the Second Amendment itself, they've had time to work themselves into society. Even the gang wars of the early 20th century cemented an identity of gun ownership for Americans. Technically, we haven't gone a whole century where guns haven't played a role in history, from crime epidemics to war itself.


Ever wonder why the front passenger seat is called "shotgun?" In the West, bank stagecoaches would have both a driver and a gunman caring a shotgun to defend against bandits.

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What does that number even represent?


*Edit* - Also, while I was at the courthouse yesterday I was looking at these voter demographic posters they have up, and apparently in this county the older the group of people the more of them will be Democrats. Among 18-24-year-olds it was like 1/5 Democrats but among 80+ it was about 1/3, with a more or less smooth gradient in between.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Oh yeah Romney went to Israel. Israel is mores successful than Palestine because Israel has a better culture so says Romney.


Apparently Romney is now back in the US and attacking the "auto bailout" (I assume to help flagging car companies), which was supposedly one of Obamas success. This doesn't seem to be getting a good reaction either(Seems the bailout helped keep a fair few folks in jobs).

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So I'm reading Huffington Post and there's two articles full of commentors who are raising a huge stink because the actions of a pair of newscasters deeply offended them. Why, they're practically calling for their heads on plates, demanding that they retire or be forced to apologize. What were these heinous offenses?


Anderson Cooper called someone a moron on twitter (and the person in question was indeed a moron).


Matt Lauer used the phrase "Indian giver".


My god, how horrible. Someone must stop these madmen. Seriously, though, it's ridiculous how politically correct everything is now. When did people become such pussies? Oh, and the icing on the cake is the people bringing politics into it, saying how their remarks are that of a "typical liberal." Why do some people feel the need to inject partisanship into situations where it has no bearing whatsoever?

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I know "indian giver" might not be the best thing he could have said there, but can anyone really think that he was trying to slander the native american population by saying it? It's a common phrase and a lot of people don't know that it's apparently racist. It's an embarrassing slip but for fuck's sake put down the torches and pitchforks. I'm sure he's realized his faux pas by now.

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  On 8/7/2012 at 12:26 AM, TheMightyEthan said:

To be fair "Indian giver" is considered racist. http://en.wikipedia....ki/Indian_giver


The Twitter thing is just stupid though.


I'm 1/something'th Cherokee...so It's ok for me to be a Indian Racist.


I'm sure Matt is part Indian...or least knows someone that is.



But all kidding aside.


I have not used the term "Indian Giver" since I was 8.

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While I don't think he should have used that term and certainly should have known better, I don't like the trend for the calling for firing/resignation every time someone makes a mistake. I think we need to take a step back and look at the intent or whether there is too big a previous list of gaffes that it reflects badly you'd keep such on a moron idiot.

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Oh yeah, I don't think he should be fired, especially since a lot of people don't realize it's racist (they think that it refers to how the white people kept giving shit to the Indians and then taking it back later), but it was a stupid thing to say and he should be made aware of that.

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Isn't that what verbal reprimands / written warnings are for? Make him do penance, visit a reservation or something if you really want to drag it out.


Bit like the Tomasz Schafernaker thing:

Totally unnecessary to fire the bloke for a mildly offensive gesture that he valiantly hilariously tried to cover up when engaging in a bit of banter with the anchor who was giving him some stick.
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