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Headaches and PC Gaming?


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Do any of you guys(/girls) here get headaches from playing on the PC? How does it happen for you, and what do you do to avoid it?


I get this a lot, always when playing on the PC with games with a First Person perspective. I never get headaches when playing on consoles. I also read (a lot of posts actually) that for most people, it's because the framerate was low. But it's the reverse for me, it's always when the FPS is so smooth (50-60) that's when I get dizzy. If I bump the settings up to force my game to run on a lower framerate (around 30-40) it's not as bad.


I also found out that when I play and sit back and rest the lower part of the back of my head on the chair I can avoid getting a headache. Too bad I didn't do that when I started up Skyrim earlier today, 45 minutes in and my head is spinning I can't play anymore.


Anyone else? Maybe some tips? Sit further back from the monitor?


P.S. If this is on the wrong forum section please move it, off topic topics look way... off topic, so I decided to post this here since it's still about gaming.

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Yeah, I bet it's some mild medical condition, and that the reason it doesn't affect you on console is that on PC the screen is usually filling a lot more of your vision than your TV is.


I AM NOT A DOCTOR AND CANNOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, but what I would do if it were me is try taking an over the counter motion-sickness medication and see if that helps.

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Yeah I'd see a doctor (or an opticians/optometrists). Headaches are a usual sign of something wrong in that area. I currently have a pair of glasses that have a kind of anti-glare filter for monitors. Also I assume it's a TFT or similar n not a CRT?


I'd say about messing with the FOV too, console n PC games tend to have different FOV (and many PC games have the wrong one, i.e still the console FOV that's meant to be fine when playing a large screen many feet away). The FOV could certainly explain motion sickness types.

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Yeah it's not a CRT. I'm playing on a laptop, using a controller.


I tried changing the FOV and it looks like it helped. Still feeling a bit dizzy though. I need a rest and maybe I'll try researching more on what FOV I should use..


How do you go explain that to a doctor though? Just say basically what I said above?

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