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Black Friday


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WalMart ad is out today!


Not that I would go, because I place value on life and humanity, but the deals are tempting.


I need a replacement DSiXL, and those are $99.


On the other front, they have some movies for cheap on DVD. I laughed when I saw The Green Lantern for $1.96 and The Smurfs for $4.96. LOL! The Green Lantern was a shitty movie!


Brave is on Blu Ray for $8.96. That's a good deal. The Lorax is the same price, but it was a pile-o'-poop.


They have the Nook Color for $99, as well.

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What the fuck is Old Navy doing sellin Wii U's? And why are you so damn handsome, like a young Tom Selleck?


Excellent questions! But, I will only answer one.


Whatever gets the hype out to get people in the store. I went to Old Navy one year, just to get a deal on a LEGO game that was released, where you buy $20 worth of merchandise and you get a copy of the game free. Only available to the first 60 people in the store, as they had 60 copies. Turns out I was person #63 in line. :wacko:

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Did you still buy the clothes?


I wish there were a Black Friday in Canada. I don't like going to stores, but there are some great on-line deals. Unfortunately, either most retailers in the States do not ship to Canada or the cost of shipping outweighs the savings.

Edited by Saturnine Tenshi
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I bought one shirt. It was $7, so was a good deal. If I remember correctly, I then went to Sears after that.


The most fun I had though was when Mervyn's was still around. I got some sheets and clothes and all kinds of gifts for dirt cheap. I had a picture of the people I was with looking half asleep and miserable in line. I loved that picture! Sadly, the picture died with that phone. *sigh*

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This will sound silly, but now that the Target ad scans are in color, my suspicion was correct. The Target "exclusive" you see on the PS3 controller meant that it was a red colored transparent controller.


A little peeve I have about console controllers is that I can't have three controllers. It's either two or four controllers. Probably stems from my N64 days when, as a hallmark four player console, I only had three controllers and so a friend would sit out while three of us play. Typically I would get some third party controller though, and that's how MadCatz became infamous. :P

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So, get the deal and sell the controller you don't want. You have an even greater net value.

I'll be selling the games at the least since I do have the Uncharted and Infamous series, but it can't hurt to have four controllers. I'll be getting a brand spanking new one with the bundle, so I guess I could try to sell my first one. Just... the transparent red is calling out to me! (And at $40.)

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At GS right now. The crowd in front of me are cool and put together. Overall, the crowd has a lot in common and can talk games. I've heard some new friends being made. Very cool.


Still a dipshit or two in the crowd. One kid has been running around in the parking lot while cars are driving around. Parents must be real winners.

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I did all of my Black Friday shopping online, and if anything, if I didn't get my PS3 from Best Buy earlier this week, I had multiple options this year.


I guess though that the perk of going to an actual retail store is instant gratification because my items won't arrive until a week... hopefully. If I had more money, I would get the "crimson red" controller at Target. Still, I got the #1 item and a great 3DS game along with a new carrying case for the 3DS.

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Went to a midnight Gamestop opening in Manhattan to get my $200 PS3. In and out in 20 minutes. The line was short, but slow. There were a three families ahead of me who were stocking up on video games for the next year it seems, buying 20 or so different games for their teen and pre-teen kids (who were also there, annoyingly). Two of the families were the East Coast version of rednecks. What they were doing at the Upper West Side Manhattan Game Stop is a mystery to me.


No one bought a Wii U, which they had in stock.

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This is the Black Friday HQ, isn't it?


I dunno. Rednecks without the southern/western redneck accents. They may have been from Jersey, but they weren't the Jersey Shore kind of tasteless. Lotsa NASCAR gear, sweatpants, and mullets. No ability to control their wilding kids. Seemed kind of stupid from their in-line chatter. The city folks with me in line thought the two redneck families were hilarious or bewildering.

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  • 1 year later...

Since it's getting close, here is a link to find some good deals on games for Black Friday.




I've got a backlog that will keep me satisfied for a while.  So, this year, I'm seeking gifts for others.  And maybe some new jeans.

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Is gamestop still gonna sell ps plus for 30 bucks on black friday...I read that somewhere...but it was official. Was a forum post. Anyone heard/read anything concrete? 

I'm guessing they are one of the retailers.  Playstation blog didn't say which retailers, just that "select" or some other vague wording.

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