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Serious Sam 3: BFE

Cyber Rat

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Finished Serious Sam 3 today. Aside from the fact that it's awesome, here are some random facts:

It has crates;

It has sprinting;

It has reload;

It has local co-op;

It has 16 player online co-op;

It has almost 7000 enemies. Almost a third of them are in the last level;

It is amazing.



I suggest you get it.

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I loves me some Serious Sam.


The co-op sessions in the games are absolutely divine. I remember on Serious Sam: First Encounter HD (and this is just the DEMO!) me and about 20 other guys just shot the hell out of every damn thing that moved, and since the difficulty changed depending on how many players there were, we were getting killed left and right by uber-high HP monsters.


Doesn't matter, had fun. Some of the team had mics and we were so jacked up on camaraderie and testosterone we felt like we were at the top of the world. That co-op really is something.

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Ach, I really want this, but I probably won't get it until I've got a group of people to run through the coop with. I've never actually completed a Serious Sam on my own, and I like the craziness of the coop. I've always liked the 20x players, 20x enemies system that it's got going.


But, Cyber, would you recommend it as just a SP game? Does it make many advances over the encounters in SP?

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I'd recommend it just as a SP game. I've enjoyed it more than the first two encounters personally, but the advances are mostly tech-wise (graphical and gameplay), the formula is more or less the same. The actual enemy placement/spawn is carefully thought-out, so I think it's worth playing both alone and in mass co-op.


It's quite difficult though. Not brutally difficult, but you'll likely die often enough on Normal.

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Was limited with time this morning, so here's a bit more detailed on the advances compared to the Encounters:


-Better graphics (duh);

-Guns feel and handle unbelievably better;

-I think there are less enemies, but it's harder to deal with them. Not sure about the count in the Encounters, but SS3 has almost 7000 enemies total on normal mode (I actually haven't checked whether that number increases when you rack up the difficulty. I'd assume it does in the vein of old SS games);

-Melee combat is highly satisfying.


If you own SS3, I see no reason to buy TFE and TSE. If you own TFE and TSE, you'd likely enjoy SS3 so I'd recommend getting it. The singleplayer takes around 10 hours on normal. That's how long it took me at least, but I took longer than the par time on some levels, but finished others faster, so I assume it was about the optimal. It's an excellent single player experience, although it takes maybe an hour or two until things pick up, but it kinda contributes to how the later levels feel.

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