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Also, not quit on topic, but isn't it weird that the second "o" in "pronounce" gets dropped when you write "pronunciation"?


Allomorphy. Morphological oddities. Totally suck. One of the things I distinctly tried to avoid in my course choices in English Language, that and syntax. Too hard to get your head around.


You didn't watch the video did you? (also I have no idea how to make into letters the sound S makes in leisure, hence "chj")

I'd go with "zj", but really I don't think there is a "phonetic" spelling for that sound.


I believe the term you're looking for is the voiced oral palato-alveolar fricative! Characterised by the 'long tailed z' symbol, or /ʒ/, in the IPA.


There isn't a symbol for it in the English alphabet, as it's a realisational phenomenon, not an orthographic one. Orthographising it as 'chj' really makes no sense. It's voiceless counterpart is the 'sh' sound, characterised by the 'long s' or [ʃ], so really it should be written as 'zh'.


's' becomes 'sh' so 'z' should become 'zh'. Still, orthographic shit is idiotic.


If you say something like 'judge' the 'j' and 'dge' sound is actually two sounds slammed together, 'd' and 'zh'. Written phonemically as /dʒ/. So 'judge' is /dʒʌdʒ/ written phonemically in the International Phonetics Alphabet (the upside-down V symbol means the 'uh' sound like in 'but').

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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... Maybe.


And... Maybe.


Also, re: the topic title, there's no such thing as mispronunciations, as long as a speaker can understand what you're saying/ you can understand what a speaker says. You can pronounce things unusually, but not incorrectly, unless it's so different it's a different word altogether, in which case it's not a mispronunciation, but the wrong word.

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Regardless there is a common notion here that h is pronounced haytch when it's actually aitch.


I recall getting into a heated debate on kotaku over that with me foolishly insisting that it's Haitch not aitch. Then having to back away slowly with my tail between the legs when I found out it was just an oddity of hiberno-english. It's still haitch to me, goddamnit!

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I'm still not sure if gesture is 'geh-sture" or "jeh-sture". I always mix it up and say it wrong. Apparently I also say bagel as "bah-gel" instead of the accepted "bay-gel". I found out when I got older that I pronounce quite a few words incorrectly because I read a lot of novels when I was in elementary school and so encountered words in writing before I heard them out loud.

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Apparently I also say bagel as "bah-gel" instead of the accepted "bay-gel".


P4 is Britta! :o



This isn't really a mispronunciation thing, and I don't think it's an English vs. English thing, but I've heard people pronounce 'details' as 'd-tails' as opposed to 'dee-tail' as in 'retail'. And I have to admit, I kinda like it.

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I think it's more common to say either "to-may-to" or "to-mah-to" than "po-tay-to" or "po-tah-to". Pretty sure Potahto was just for the song. Battra will likely know as it's his era sort of thing. :)


DUH! Of course I know Fred and Ginger. It's from the 1937 film "Shall We Dance" and the song is a George and Ira Gershwin number:



It's not my favorite Fred and Ginger film (that would be Top Hat) or dance duet (that would be Cheek to Cheek from Top Hat) but it's a classic.

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I always thought it odd that people pronounced and read Xmas as Ex-Muss. It's still pronounced Christmas with X being the old Greek for Chi (an abbreviation for Christ) That's why you see the symbol ☧(Chi Rho) in many churches. It's simply another way of writing Christ. Kind of makes the controversy around Xmas a little silly.

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I always thought it odd that people pronounced and read Xmas as Ex-Muss. It's still pronounced Christmas with X being the old Greek for Chi (an abbreviation for Christ) That's why you see the symbol ☧(Chi Rho) in many churches. It's simply another way of writing Christ. Kind of makes the controversy around Xmas a little silly.


Given that I am not and don't know any old Greeks, when I first saw it, at the age of what, 3 maybe 4? I read it as Ex-mas and understood it to mean Christmas. Same as pretty much everyone else on the planet.


Now that I am old enough to know that it actually means "Chi" I might pronounce it Kai-mas to annoy people, but really I read it as ex-mas and say it as Christmas.

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A lot of you probably pronounce "Lieutenant" wrong.


Wikipedia says I'm right. :D


What's always annoyed me about a particular British accent is when -ing becomes -ink as in Something becomes Somefink. The Irish have some horrible and hilarious accents but that shit annoys the hell out of me.


Tell us what wot really fink though?

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