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Well right, you'd have to look the surrounding usage. That's how dialects/accents happen. It's "correct" in one and "incorrect" in another, even though they're both using "the same language".


Also, found this on another forum and it pretty well explains my usage of a/an with h words:


the system is:

if the stress does not fall on the first syllable, then an rather than a is used. The h is not silent.


a history of England.

an historical timeline.

an historian of note

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We had a big discussion about that in the English vs. English thread. I'll see if I can find it.


*Edit* - Here's the start of it: http://forum.pressxo...039


Like I point out in there, not every double o makes the oooo sound. Around here people pronounce the "oo" in "roof" like the one in "took" or "book", rather than the one in "hoot" or "boot".

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It's a bit pointless to argue over the usage of h because there's the whole issue of grammar. Actually Webster's and Oxfords have created two strains of grammar for what was initially one language. We can't effectively call either of as the singular Modern English. Late 19th century English was mostly of the Wren and Martin's High School English format (one still followed in a few colonial nations), what we foliow today is different from that. The issue is that when languages evolve we might end up with more than one strain and thus it is pointless to say they are the same language. Once we come to that conclusion it's a lot easier. English


This is one of the reasons why Theory of Computation and languages and formal Automata is an interesting field of study in Computation and Mathematics. Right now it's similar to very similar programming languages like C and CPP but they are different and the libraries for the two are different as well.

Spoken languages once evolved in different ways are no longer the same language and the original language too undergoes a path of evolution. 90% of modern languages are nothing like what they were when they originated. A good example is Arabic where it's impossible to technically translate certain books including the Quran since majority of the words aren't in usage today and thus make little to no sense. The only reason why we know certain things to exist is because we have records. For instance no one ever said Ye olde whatever, the font for TH was written as a Y but not many are aware of it today and look back and say ha they used to say Yee.


As for the link HH the errors would probably be more for someone who's already familiar with the language as opposed to someone who was unfamiliar. It's surprising how someone who knows little of a language can sometimes pronounce it exactly the way it's supposed to be (provided it's a phonetic script of course) :).

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There was like one word I didn't know, and a couple of the place names, but other than that I think I did it right.


There was also one point where something rhymed if you used the British pronunciation, but not if you used the American one. Can't remember where it was though.

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There was like one word I didn't know, and a couple of the place names, but other than that I think I did it right.


There was also one point where something rhymed if you used the British pronunciation, but not if you used the American one. Can't remember where it was though.


Guessing it was the "ass grass" bit. (I have a weird memory).

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  • 2 weeks later...

So turns out Americans pronounce a popular phone brand a bit differently to everyone else.

I'm watching a CES video (Link in technology thread later with a few others) and this particular tech was developed in partnership with




See over here it's Knock-ear (Nok-ia). It's a company name too which is a bit odd to have a pronunciation change across the sea.

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Oh and we still put the stress on the first syllable, not the second, so it's more like nokey-uh rather than no-kia.


And I just looked up the Finnish pronunciation and to me it sounds somewhere between "noke" and "knock" so I'm gonna chalk this one up to trying to approximate the pronunciation of a word that's not even English.

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See, I think you have the 'correct' pronunciations but mostly in this country (or at least around here) the wrong versions are used and it is only relatively recently that the correct pronunciations have been introduced (last decade or a bit more?) but because of their late arrival the correct versions seem wrong.

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People pronounce porche as "porsh" so much that there's a blonde joke about painting a "porch" and the blonde comes back and says "I'm done painting it and it's a Ferrari, not a Prosche".


Also, adding R's onto words is funny to me too.


Dean, what's your obsession with wingardium leviosa?

Edited by Yantelope V2
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  • 4 weeks later...

So watching the Gaintbomb stream of the Vita they palyed:




(well the Vita version)


Now I haven't played it myself, but whenever I've read the name I've pronounced it to myself as "Lou-mines"


The Giantbomb cast, and then the game as it booted up; "luminous".



Which means there's probably a ton of game names I pronounce wrong. Like I'm playing "knee-air" at the moment. (The guys name is never used in game, since you can change it like Tidus)

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