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It's pronounced "graphic novel".. jeez.


two different things IMO


i recently read the start of ed brubakers daredevil run (cant be arsed to think of its name.) solid writing, as to be expected, and that artist fit daredevil quite well.



I'm confused, is the 2nd sentence an argument or a random anecdote?

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I got a bit disillusioned with most comics lately. Well, the more 'mainstream' stuff anyways. I blame a lot of it on those stupid big event crossovers. Plus it's expensive and takes up a lot of space (guess I should chuck some really).


I've mostly been borrowing stuff whenever my friend remembers to give me them, or buying the odd trade.


Been enjoying Y: The Last Man, Walking Dead, Powers and Invincible mostly. I loved Fell but not sure what Ellis is doing with that at the moment. Maybe I should bug him on Twitter. That's what the sites for, right? Pestering celebrities?

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I got a bit disillusioned with most comics lately. Well, the more 'mainstream' stuff anyways. I blame a lot of it on those stupid big event crossovers. Plus it's expensive and takes up a lot of space (guess I should chuck some really).


I've mostly been borrowing stuff whenever my friend remembers to give me them, or buying the odd trade.


Been enjoying Y: The Last Man, Walking Dead, Powers and Invincible mostly. I loved Fell but not sure what Ellis is doing with that at the moment. Maybe I should bug him on Twitter. That's what the sites for, right? Pestering celebrities?


Warren Ellis has a pretty funny twitter.


Also, both DC and Marvel aren't doing major crossovers this year. Brightest Day and whateverthefuckmarvelsequivalentiscalled aren't big universal events like they've both been doing for years.

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I've been nostalgia tripping a lot lately, you could say… it's not really nostalgia for me if I've never experienced it before, though. :P


I've been catching up on a lot of New Wave stuff; I just finished reading Watchmen this weekend, and I'm going to see if my library has a copy of Swamp Thing. I've also been trying to look out for some Frank Miller issues, most notably The Dark Knight Returns. Also been trying to find that Joker origin story by Moore, which was The Killing Joke, I think.

I used to read a lot of American comics, but I only read one nowadays. I'm also so embarrassed about what I do read that I'm too shy to actually purchase it from my local comic book shop. :unsure: I get new issues sent to my house.






Why, because you're afraid that Quasimodo might find your address and go to your house one day? :P

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Yeah, he's a funny guy.


I may look into some new Marvel stuff, I did enjoy some of the X-Men runs with some different writers. Will probably just look at the latest trades.


I probably recommended this to you several times already, but you can't go wrong with Garth Ennis's Punisher MAX. Especially The Slavers, which is fantastic.


Just no more Bendis-led 'events'.


I hear you, though Siege was actually very enjoyable. At least, if you'd been following the events in the Marvel universe leading up to it. It really felt like everything came together for an epic climax. And it was only 4 issues, as opposed to Secret Invasion's 8. That story could've easily been told in 4 issues.


Also, Nihil just mentioned Brubaker's Daredevil, which is great too. That series recently culminated in Shadowland, which is an excellent series if you're a fan of "street level" heroes (Luke Cage, Moon Knight, Iron Fist, Spider-Man, Elektra, Punisher... even Ghost Rider is in there).


At least I thought it was awesome. Do keep in mind I usually read all the mini-series and tie-ins as they come out, so your mileage may vary.


Other Marvel series that have been good recently:


Fantastic Four

Invincible Iron Man

Secret Avengers


--Oh, I just thought of an excellent mini-series for you. It's a very light-hearted "throwback" story by Dan Slott featuring Spider-Man and Human Torch. It's hilarious. You'll love it.

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I mentioned it in another thread, but right now I'm really into this comic called Irredeemable. The premise is basically what would happen when a superhero with Superman level power (and I'm talking silver age power) and no obvious weaknesses is simply not emotionally equipped for the job of being the world's hero. He's can't handle the constant cries for help his super-hearing picks up all the time, no matter where he is. He can't handle being criticized by people who are ungrateful to him for his rescues. Most of all, he can't handle being betrayed by the people he's been protecting all this time.


When it all becomes too much, he snaps and decides humanity isn't worth saving anymore. In fact, he decides that he was wrong to be saving such a worthless species all this time, and turns into the most heinous global mass murderer in history. The general story of the comic is split along two threads. One involves a team of lesser heroes (and even a few villains who know that the earth being destroyed would be bad) trying to figure out The Plutonian's origins, powers, and especially weaknesses so he can be defeated. The other is from the point of view of The Plutonian himself, and delves into just what kind of events could turn a Superman into a Darkseid.


It's a fascinating comic, and I highly, highly recommend it.

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You must know him. Dude you share your internet and Steam account with, has a like for the initials DK in usernames n email addresses. Pretty much the same attitude too.





on topic:


Warren Ellis is the man. Twitter feed is hilarious, followed him on el-jay back in the day.


Crooked Little Vein is a hilarious book, btw.


lately the main comic I've been following is ASM, and that's through the trades as they are released

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Why, because you're afraid that Quasimodo might find your address and go to your house one day? :P


No. :P Actually, you would be surprised by the type of girls who drop by comic book stores in California. You'll see women who look like super models going into places to buy comics for a husband or boyfriend (since Hollywood movies made comics "vogue").


It's more that I'm embarrassed to be buying a comic book based on a Disney franchise. It would be like going to E3 to play some girly dress-up game by Capcom and having to stand in the same line for the booth as a bunch of guys anxious to play the next Street Fighter. :s


Oh wow. I didn't notice the Disney logo until you pointed it out to me. laugh.gif


I feel the same way, too, whenever I buy manga from my local book store. I mean, it's sort of OK (or at least, the embarrassment ignorable) if I buy it along with a ton of books or if I buy something "mainstream/acceptable" such as Fist of the North Star or Bleach… but honestly, anything that gets into moé territory makes my cheeks red. ph34r.gif

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@Jack: Thanks for the recommendation, sounds interesting. Is it out in trade yet?


Four volumes so far, with a fifth in January.


There is also a sister story called Incorruptible, which is about a supervillain who tries to reform once the Plutonian becomes a villain, but finds it difficult to bury his rather horrible past crimes. I haven't read it yet so I didn't personally recommend it, but I can't imagine why it wouldn't be good too since it has the same writer and artist.

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Why, because you're afraid that Quasimodo might find your address and go to your house one day? :P


No. :P Actually, you would be surprised by the type of girls who drop by comic book stores in California. You'll see women who look like super models going into places to buy comics for a husband or boyfriend (since Hollywood movies made comics "vogue").


It's more that I'm embarrassed to be buying a comic book based on a Disney franchise. It would be like going to E3 to play some girly dress-up game by Capcom and having to stand in the same line for the booth as a bunch of guys anxious to play the next Street Fighter. :s


Oh wow. I didn't notice the Disney logo until you pointed it out to me. laugh.gif


I feel the same way, too, whenever I buy manga from my local book store. I mean, it's sort of OK (or at least, the embarrassment ignorable) if I buy it along with a ton of books or if I buy something "mainstream/acceptable" such as Fist of the North Star or Bleach… but honestly, anything that gets into moé territory makes my cheeks red. ph34r.gif


Hehe, reminds me of the times I used to work at a CD/DVD store. Whenever someone bought porn, they didn't just buy porn, they would always buy a whole stack of other things with the porn at the bottom or in the middle. So when you're going through all the items, you're like "Transformers... 2 Fast 2 Furious... Spider-Man... Spider-Man 2... Lord of the Strings... Privates of the Caribbean-- WTF?"

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You must know him. Dude you share your internet and Steam account with, has a like for the initials DK in usernames n email addresses. Pretty much the same attitude too.


That isn't me. Sorry if you got that idea.


Anyways, I got an early christmas present of the latest Walking Dead volumes I am missing so I can finally catch up!

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