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It's greenlit

It's releasing for Feb 2016

Tim Miller (of Blur Studio, the ones that make the nice VG CGI trailers) is director, who also made the initial test footage.


Only thing not really known of import is if Ryan Reynolds is voicing Deadpool, but it's more likely than not, and what rating they'll be aiming for. Given the timing it's likely based on the feedback from the "leaked" footage, and that included feedback related to aiming for a 18 rating.

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A Batman Medley. Kinda shows the Nolan tunes to be the weakest I think. Definitely lot less that stands out about them. 


"How does Batmans mum call him to dinner?"




Or Alfred if you want to be comically correct


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Anyone reading anything cool lately?

I pirated a bunch of shit to see what I'm still interested in (and will buy more of, I have at least SOME of these for realz)


The Sword by the Luna Brothers  - Getting off to a faster start than Girls but it's certainly not as unique. I do like their style though.

Trees by Warren Ellis and whomever draws it - Very, very slow opening, but starting to pay off 5 issues in.

The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman and drawer guy- Fuck you, All Out War was a big evolution for this series.

Sex Criminals  - Just fucking read it.

East of West by Hickman and Dragotta - Hard to read month to month but oh man reading 2-3 issues in a row is bananas. So this can wait until trades come out but damn it's good.

Saga - Still incredible from the story to the art to the dialogue.

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I finally got around to Saga volume 3. I was dead tired but I still finished it in one sitting. The pacing and writing is that well done. There is really no wasted panel. The only thing that can taint this series for me if the ending goes to absolute shit.


If you guys feel like it, you can get the hardcover volume 1 which collects volume 1-3 of the paperback with some added goodies. It's quite temping for me since it would allow me to lend my paperback copies to friends so that the Gospel of Saga spreads.

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That's also the movies only. Quite a few shows on top of all that.


Still, it wouldn't surprise me if you were to make a list of the past 10 years of films you've had a similar amount. This year has already had Captain America 2, Amazing Spiderman 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Days of Future Past (with Big Hero 6 upcoming).

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I just remembered that i still had a $25 iTunes giftcard, so since I pretty much pirate all my music and apps, I figured I could use it to get a shit ton of digital comics/graphic novels and start really getting into that hobby. I thought $25 was going to get me a lot....but nope. Shit's expensive. Most books are like $12 or $13 dollars. Why the fuck are digital comics so damn expensive? It's like they want you to pirate them.


For the record, I checked out the Apple bookstore and Comixology. Both had similar high prices. Books Iooked up were Watchmen, KIlling Joke, and that Wolverine comic that takes place in Japan.

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If you wait for sales Comixology is pretty cheap. Cut those prices in half. Though pretty sure the ultra popular famous shit like Watchmen never goes on sale. Though that's totally worth the money.

The only thing that you could have done that's cheap is just buy a bunch of 1st issues. If you're going trades then yeah that's normal pricing. Image prices their shit cheaper at least. If it's older and digital it's $2 an issue. So trades are essentially $10. Usually first issues are $1, too, and they'll have sales as well.

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