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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance


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I really dug the trailer for Rising. It seems that Platinum Games are taking the franchise in an exciting new direction, and I'm very eager to learn more.


Honestly, I don't understand the Internet backlash. You tell games like Call of Duty to change, yet you want Metal Gear to stay the same forever? You can't have both, Internet.

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Change is good, it's evolution. The problem I (had) and the internets have is that it's such a huge change that it almost feels nothing like the product you're used to. I've come to accept it, I know it'll be fun. As for the story I had my doubts since the trailer makes it look like a cheeseball of action movies, but after some thought it has some good potential for a story. Personally I haven't seen much backlash, more support than I thought actually. I'm not sure this is a good analogy, but this is what I'm trying to convey:


We have a tomato, we all know it what it tastes like and how it can be beneficial to your diet, but it's become a regular and some sort of change would be welcome. BAM! Bioengineers have a fun with a tomato and make new type of tomato. New tomato looks and tastes like a banana. People are going to be taken aback.


Nevermind I suck at this stuff.

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I really dug the trailer for Rising. It seems that Platinum Games are taking the franchise in an exciting new direction, and I'm very eager to learn more.


Honestly, I don't understand the Internet backlash. You tell games like Call of Duty to change, yet you want Metal Gear to stay the same forever? You can't have both, Internet.


Cuz Metal Gear has a meaningful story, herp derp

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There's always Hitman for your stealth action. Or Assassin's Creed if you prefer hiding in plain sight. I'm pretty excited for Rising. It's a spin off so I don't mind that it's a different genre. I enjoyed Dirge of Cerberus and that's about as far from an FF title as you can get.

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I have actually lost all enthusiasm for this game. Yeah, Bayonetta was good and all, but crazy fast-paced action isn't why I played Metal Gear. I was really hoping Rising would unveil some unique way to blend the stealth and swordfighting mechanics, but the stealth part seems to have gone completely out the window now.

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  • 5 months later...

The first half reminds me of how Rising could have had an interesting story.


Then you get to the rest of it and it's something I think you'd have to mentally block out "Metal Gear" to enjoy the game. I mean, it looks like a blast to play, but it's more so Vanquish with Metal Gear (inspired) characters. Vanquish was a blast and I played that for a good amount of time, but it wasn't exactly the pinnacle of plot, character, and acting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why not just "Revenge" or "Vengeance"? It is bizarre.


Because the Fibonacci Sequence. Count the syllables. 1 1 2 3. Good cadence, yo.


You mean the syllables in the title? Because if so, one of us needs to learn to count.


Me-tal - 2

Gear - 1

Ris-ing - 2

Re-venge-ance - 3

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At least it's easy to say.... I'm looking at you... Theatrhymn! Or Kingdom Hearts 358/2. As long as Square Enix is around, no other game developer/publisher can hope to come up with a more stupid name, not even Kojima.

El Shaddai: Ascension of The Metatron.


Nothing Square Enix has made beats it as far as retarded names go.


What the hell are you all on about?


The one that takes the stupid-name cake is:


Bravely Default: Flying Fairy.


I actually facepalm whenever I remember that. There's nearly an oxymoron right there in the title. Also El Shaddai is an awesome title, at least it feels like it has some non-arbitrary meaning to it.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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