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Anybody see this newer gameplay trailer?


Holy shit. Holy fuck.


It's like... Proper survival horror stealth shit. Pretty limited resources, near-pitch black environment, dangerous enemies to proceed past via stealth/ evasion with combat as a last resort, etc. etc.


Read a preview in Edge which says, apparently, the early stage infected are pretty much like regular run-of-the-mill "running" zombies. They'll see you, come at you. Second stage infected have the fungus bursting out of their face/ eyes- they can't see. Will locate you by sound (hence Joel's creeping in the video below). Third stage infected are full blown fungus heads, and locate you via clicking, like the sonar bats use. They're colloquially referred to as 'clickers'.



Sounds and looks great. I'm hoping for some joel + ellie vs. human antagonists vs. infected battles. Or just human NPC vs. infected faceoffs. That's something Uncharted almost never had, and is one of my favourite things in games in general. Battles between different NPC factions. Feels really immersive and emergent. 

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Sounds and looks great. I'm hoping for some joel + ellie vs. human antagonists vs. infected battles. Or just human NPC vs. infected faceoffs. That's something Uncharted almost never had, and is one of my favourite things in games in general. Battles between different NPC factions. Feels really immersive and emergent.


Totally agree.  Some of my favorite parts of Halo (the first one) are when you come across groups of Covenant fighting the Flood.

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  • 2 months later...

There has been all that recent footage, and etc, but I've decided to ignore the new information.


I think we've discussed this before (with its own thread), but something I feel I did with BioShock Infinite, or any other recent AAA hit of late, is that I didn't let it surprise or reveal anything new to me. Sure, obviously there will be crucial plot points revealed when I play, but even the little things I think I spoiled myself on and didn't appreciate fully. Basically, how blind do you want to go into a game?


I've already preordered the game, but for now what little I do know will stay that way. The game can show me and not a video of new footage online.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think this is joining the elite group of "most overrated games of all time." Up there with Journey, Uncharted 2 and the original Bioshock. Its going to be fun seeing people on forums and game websites talk about how they dont "get" the love for it and that its really "unremarkable" for years to come.


In other news, I hope this gets a PS4 release. I wonder if theyd be able to make it at 1080p and 60fps on the PS4. Itd be nice. Im not a graphics whore, but I think its a good idea to dual release it, or even better - crossbuy.

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Unfortunately for the hardworking developers, any time a game is getting this much acclaim, it'll get a lot of backlash, especially since it's a first party exclusive.
Yeah, FDS will come in here and argue with us, but it'd be nice if all these late PS3 games came with free access to PS4 versions that ran 60fps. But I guess that'd be a lot of work to port the game. :-\ Though it's Sony so we'll probably see collections of PS3 games for PS4 at some point in the future.

Edited by The Cowboy Poet
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"This game is the most linear piece of shit of all time! Not worth your 60 bucks."


"It's a rent at best."


"No pause during crafting? Are you kidding me? You expect me to fiddle with menus in real time?"


"60 fps or no buy. Naughty Dog wasted their time and money creating a game on this weak hyped up console ever. Games like these should be on PC."


"I feel like multiplayer shouldn't have existed for this game. I don't really know why, it just shouldn't!"


"Fuck Sony and your first party. This is America bring games to the Xbox goddamnit!!!"


Edited, because Tapatalk spacing sucks.

Edited by eleven
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Go, Ethan! You tell that entirely fictional and unreasonable argument!


Also, Edge and Eurogamer really liked the game.


Oh, I figured he was quoting comments from somewhere, and that one just stood out to me for some reason.

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