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The Last of Us


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Gaming's Citizen Kane moment, eh? After Bioshock: Infinite I have nothing but skepticism for claims like that. Still though, I've been excited for this one for some time, and I can't say that the review scores aren't making me a little more so now, despite the fact that I know how these things go with AAA titles that everyone has been waiting on. As long as I don't go into this hoping for a great American novel, I should be fine.

Edited by FredEffinChopin
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  On 6/8/2013 at 10:50 AM, Deanb said:

I've heard the AI isn't anywhere near as good as shown in the E3 segment of last year. Which is disappointing but not unsurprising.


What, from Reddit? The Last of US AMA had the AI designer and he pointed out people should try playing the game first before deciding since the whole point of the AI is that it's different for everyone.

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If I want human levels of intelligence, I'll go to the multiplayer with the human enemies wanting to bash my skull in with a wooden fence post.


I read Reddit too, and honestly it sounds like a damn nitpick. As long as the enemies aren't running around in circles and clipping through the walls, I think I'm gonna be able to deal with it.

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Is it? Off of some self.Games post it's confirmed that the AI is "just bog standard?"


Sure, I can't truthfully make a solid defense, what with not having played it, but I'm not about to make expectations off of a random "cautionary" post. I haven't also seen/read all 50+ reviews of The Last of Us, but so far all I've taken away is that the enemy AI seems "selective" in targeting Ellie. She can be attacked, but sometimes the AI just ignores her and bum rushes you instead.


I also read in the same post "it wasn't hard," but I've also seen videos of players getting their butt handed to them from only two enemies. Not to mention the "Clickers" insta-kill you. So yes, to me it's still a nitpick.

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Well as you've said, the reviews have already made a note of the AI mainly targeting the player, and these are from the same spots that completely missed the fact the AI in SimCity was absolutely shit (that'd be posts on reddit covering that element...). So if they're already noting standard quality AI then yeah it's going to give credence to reddit posts saying likewise too. 


Look, game likely hits the 10/10 in all other areas, but if they're making a point of how amazing their AI is, it better be amazing. I guiess we'll find out as the game ends up in the hands of more people.

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  On 6/9/2013 at 12:50 PM, Deanb said:

Look, game likely hits the 10/10 in all other areas, but if they're making a point of how amazing their AI is, it better be amazing. I guiess we'll find out as the game ends up in the hands of more people.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but have they ever made a real point of this? I remember the previous E3 gameplay previews and all that as well, but off the top of my head I don't ever remember them putting the focus on the AI, that was always the people who watched the demos and wrote about them. 

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I don't think anyone's doubting the Ellie AI so much. It's the 'balance of power' stuff where enemies react differently depending on different things: backing off if they're unarmed and you have a gun trained on them, knowing to pressure you if they hear your gun click from being empty/jammed, setting up ambushes, etc.

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See, I think the difference here is that when we saw all of that, it was scripted so Joel would trigger all the different AI interactions, and etc.


My assumption here, obviously, but I'm thinking that would depend on how the player reacts to the situation, and then how the AI reacts to the player. Are we going to have someone play it cool and stick to a strategy, or is the player going to be running frantic and swapping out his whole arsenal? I can't imagine the AI being that strategic if the level is filled with everyone running around chasing a headless chicken named Joel.

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So far I've been able to stealth most encounters except for a handful of moments when the story forces you out in the open. I'm about five hours in.


Also sometimes you're forced to kill everyone but so far I've found that you can, in theory, sneak by most encounters without having to kill anyone.


I should also mention that this would be really really fucking hard to do and is probably not worth it unless you're just that hardcore.

Edited by Mister Jack
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