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The Last of Us


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Ooft, those are good and grisly. Look totally pre-rendered. Amazing.


I'm waiting until I can sell off Watch_Dogs or some hardware until I get hold of it. It'll probably drop in price pretty rapidly anyway.


  On 7/31/2014 at 11:12 PM, Dee said:

I played it on Survivor a while ago last year and it sucked the first time.  However, as much as I thought Survivor sucked, Grounded Mode is even worse.  You literally get nothing every single time, and if you happen to come across ammo or any other items, it's usually one bullet or like a third of alcohol and it won't even do anything unless all you've been doing is collecting.  This takes being stealthy to the next level.  



I've completed it twice on Survivor and loved it. My fave game mode and imho the best way to play the game. I'm super duper keen for Grounded mode. Super duper keen. The game becomes so much more intense and heart pumping when the stakes are so much higher. (I decided to save Grounded mode for Remastered, but maybe I'll just dip right in...)

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  On 8/6/2014 at 11:16 PM, Strangelove said:

My whole clan died. I was already on week 8. Fuck.

Being able to kill 100% of the population is fucked up.


I also hope they fix the matchmaking. It takes forever to get into a match.


Meant to reply to this but my phone deleted it.


Try this when you're on Week 12...


Big part of what actually stopped me playing the multiplayer altogether. Possibly the only reason actually.  Those stupid "fail this one task and ALL YOUR PROGRESS IS GONE" just sucks so much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Started my Grounded playthrough a couple of nights back.


It's bloody amazing, and everything I hoped it would be.


Even on Survivor, it's pretty easy to blunder into every scenario in the game and come out alive. Either unscathed or minimally hurt. Dealing with things going wrong was way easy.


But on Grounded, it feels truly real for the first time. Like 1 or 2 shots will kill you, and letting a non-Clicker infected get up to you often means death. Gunfights are amazingly tense. Things going wrong really feels like things going wrong. Surviving, through tough stealth or no, feels like an actual achievement. You have to plan every encounter like a little puzzle, working out the best movements to make and order of targets to take down.


Love it.

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Finished it last night, as well as Left Behind which I did not play the first time. Beautiful addition to the main game. That game still manages to make me feel like someone has punched me right in the gut. Stunning, stunning game.


I want to take the challenge of going through on a harder difficulty. I think I may give it a week or so and then go back in for Grounded mode.

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It might also stop people from buying TLoU if they can get a short, playable demo for cheap. Better* to leave those who have never played with no option but to buy the full game than to lose them to a taster**.


*from a business point of view.

**assuming that the taster wouldn't be a gateway game for others who would otherwise not have bought TLoU.

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I don't think it would be a very successful taster considering half of the expansion's content takes place in medias res with the main game. All the

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bits would probably ruin any sense of mystery surrounding where the full game might go.


Though I guess the gameplay alone in Left Behind might sell it. Better than the full game in a lot of ways.

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  • 1 month later...

Man that reminds me, I took a whole bunch of photos on this when I was replaying it. Better get uploadin'.


I became morbidly obsessed with detonating nailbombs when enemies are nearby and taking horrific images of their gibbed bodies flying about.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to rain on your parade this late to the party guys, but I have something that's been bugging me ever since I finished this game. This is kind of spoiler heavy, so please don't read further unless you've finished the story.


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