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Strangelove, I don't think we'll be be seeing a PS4 for a long time, so I think there's time for at least 1 more Uncharted on PS3.

However, if Sony wanted to be serious about the Vita, why not have their top studio develop a game from their biggest (or second biggest, if you count Gran Turismo ;)) franchise for their new handheld? But I suppose that's not really Sony's style.

Regardless it'll be interesting to see what the other half of Naughty Dog is developing at the moment.

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Yeah generally speaking Sony has smaller studios tackle its IP's for its handhelds, and they seem to do a good job (portable God of War's were good, and from what I hear, Resistance was too).


I'd say whether or not the ps3 sees another Uncharted is dependent on when The Last of Us releases and how long is left between then and a ps4, but that's just speculation really.

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  • 1 month later...

Not sure if this has been posted already, but there's a couple of potentially spoilerey details here (not really, it's stuff probably revealed in the first minutes of the game, but it's early days to hear about plot info):




Some really nice gameplay suggestions. Sounds like I Am Alive but with Naughty Dog's usual ballsy approach to things. One bullet is usually enough to kill (it's suggested this includes the protagonists), and pointing a weapon at bad guys will make them scatter. However, unlike in I Am Alive where bad guys will stand down, these ones will simply split up and flank you (allegedly). Sounds pretty nice to me. The word's 'survival horror' are actually used, which is nice.

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  On 3/13/2012 at 3:01 AM, TheMightyEthan said:
  On 3/13/2012 at 12:45 AM, kenshi_ryden said:
One bullet is usually enough to kill


I hope this holds true, my biggest complaint with the Uncharted series was the reliance on bullet-sponges.


Definitely. If they basically made a more realistic Uncharted I'd be happy, but making it post-Apocalyptic too is a definite bonus.


I hope there's a reliance on item management. I played a bit of Resident Evil 1 a bit again today, and it's actually refreshing how a tough item limit can make you rethink situations and engage with the game more. I'm quite tempted by Silent Hill: Downpour in this regard, too.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, I'll be honest a lot of it seemed heavily scripted, so it might not act the same way out in "the wild", but it seemed pretty neat with like the reactions to *click click* "I know that sound". And nice to have it seem like bullets are somewhat scarce and that maybe you're a bit of a shit shot. Unlike Uncharted with M4 ammo all over an ancient ruin.

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