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Steam Trading


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I have a coal and a -25% Valve Published Games cupon.


I own all the Valve games I'm remotely interested in, so I'd be very happy to trade it away. Not that it's really worth much.


EDIT: I guess I also have this backpack of TF2 items. I don't play anymore and I have no idea what most of it is worth, but if anyone wants to trade me something for them, I'd be up for that.



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I have a -25% on all Valve games and a copy of Terraria (not from this sale, bought the 4 pack and only had 2 people to give it to). I have another gift but I can't find out what it is because it's not showing up in the inventory right now.


*Edit* - Inventory finally updated, so now I have 2 lumps of coal plus that stuff.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Everyone in the world already owns every valve title they're interested in. That's why they give us coupons for their games. :(


Well, that and the fact that they don't have to try to coordinate with anyone else.

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I have a 50% off Bit Trip Runner coupon if anyone missed it in the indie bundle... Also, the same valve voucher as everyone else and ten percent off any deep silver titles, which...Are all pretty awful. If anyone wants them though they can have them for free (Are they even tradeable though? haha)

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Holy crap, you can actually win pretty much any game then?!


edit: oh crap, it begins...


Just did the Dungeons of Dredmor achievement and got a piece of coal and 25% off any THQ game.


Now I'm downloading Psychonauts and Spiral Knights to get more. Damnit, Valve!


Oh well, at least I didn't need to buy anything.

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-50% off of LIMBO :/


Anyway, here's my inventory, so ask what you're interested in: http://steamcommunit...r/inventory#440


I don't play TF2 anymore, so items from there are also for trade. I'm only holding on to the -50% on Valve and -33% on Space Marine, as well as coal. Everything else is game.

Edited by Cyber Rat
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I've got... 25%

-50% off of LIMBO :/


Anyway, here's my inventory, so ask what you're interested in: http://steamcommunit...r/inventory#440


I don't play TF2 anymore, so items from there are also for trade. I'm only holding on to the -50% on Valve and -33% on Space Marine, as well as coal. Everything else is game.


I'd be interested in some of your tf2 hats

Currently have Valve 25% off, Shadowgrounds 50% off, Victoria 2 60% off and some coal for trade.

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