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Steam Trading


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As of right now, I have:


-50% E.Y.E: Divine Cybremancy

-25%, -33% and -50% Valve

-25% Sega

-25% Focus Home Interactive

-50% Cogs

-50% Rockstar Games

-50% Nail'd

-50% Oddworld: Abe's Exodus

-50% Droplitz

-50% Trauma

-75% Aliens vs. Predator

-50% Duke Nukem Forever


I'm up for trading any of them, although I'm considering using the Aliens vs. Predator one myself so I'm not gonna let that one go as easily as the rest.

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I've got:


Devil May Cry 3

Half-Life 2 Episode 1


-25% Valve (x2)

-50% Valve

-50% Codemasters

-50% Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

-50% HardReset

-50% TwoTribes Pack

-60% Victoria II

-50% Chantelise


I'm extremely willing to trade any of those

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I just went ahead and bought L.A. Noire today, so I'm now completely okay with parting with my 50% Rockstar coupon.


That means I'm completely open to trading:

-50% Rockstar

-25% Activision

-50% HardReset


I also have:

1 Coal

Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Holiday Sale 2011 Gift: Killing Floor (Includes 2 items: Killing Floor, Defence Alliance 2)

-50% Valve (want to use for Portal 2)


Do I want Killing Floor? I know nothing about it. I do think I want to get HL2, HL2:Ep1 and HL2:Ep2 for that Cinematic Mod, or whatever it's called. I definitely want to get Portal 2.


In additional to Portal 2 and L.A. Noire, I'm also interested in Arkham Asylum and Skyrim, should anyone have any coupons that might help me purchase those. (and, to a lesser degree I'm also interested in Assassin's Creed Revelations, Rage and Saints Row 3 as well as, Super Street Fighter IV: AE, COD:MW3, Mass Effect 1 & Mass Effect 2, which I have on 360, but would rather have on PC .)


Anyway, if anyone's interested, let me know. I'm not opposed to giving away the top coupons if they go to someone here who's going to use them, and I'm also not opposed to receiving free coupons or games from any kind souls out there either. ;)

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  On 1/1/2012 at 2:42 PM, TheMightyEthan said:
But enjoy Episode 1. ;)

Wow. 2012 is off to a nice start! Thanks, Ethan!


(And I know Portal 2's 50% off, but since I have the coupon, I'm thinking about playing my existing games (including L.A. Noire, who's sale I could not resist, and HL2:Ep1 and HL2:Ep2) until I feel like I want something else to play, and then using the coupon. Maybe silly, since I'm sure I'll buy it in the next month or so, I'll enjoy using one of my coupons. :) )


Edit: I'm impressed and easily swayed by today's "Encore Day!" sales. I went ahead and bought Portal 2 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. That means I'm much more open to sharing my Valve coupon, although I may want to use it to buy Half Life 2, as I have Ep1 and Ep2, but need HL2 to complete the trilogy, play the whole series properly and try out that Cinematic Mod. (In fact, if anyone out there wants to trade me any of my coupons for HL2, I will very gladly do that!)

Edited by peteer01
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  On 1/1/2012 at 11:42 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

It's your money, but you might as well buy hl2 now when it's 75% off instead of buying it later when it's only 50%.

I'm showing Half-Life 2 as being $4.99, down from $9.99...did I miss the chance to pick it up for $2.49? Or is it basically going to be $4.99 now or $4.99 with my 50% off Valve coupon? (I know I may kick myself for having missed some of these sales, especially Skyrim for $41.99...)
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Whoa! p4 hooked me up with HL2! Thank you! You guys are awesome! Maybe I should just mention, off hand, that I also want a pony?


(OK, just in case, that's a joke. Ponies are probably pretty expensive, and we're living in an apartment...besides, it's too cold outside for a horse up here. So yeah, no pony please. But seriously, a huge thank you to Ethan and p4!)

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  On 1/3/2012 at 2:34 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

OH NO! I already ordered the pony before I read the fine print!



You better not have! There's a reason I didn't make that a spoiler! :lol:


Also, just in case anyone comes in here expecting to talk about Steam Trading, I'm totally cool with giving my -50% Rockstar, -25% Activision, -50% HardReset or -50% Valve coupon to anyone who can them to good use. (I won't even judge you if you buy a game I dislike with it. Or, I won't verbalize my judgment...how about that?)

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Yeah, I'm kind of at that point too. If you want any of my stuff just let me know (though I might ask for a trade if there's something in your inventory that I want).



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  • 1 month later...

March 1st is in a few days, that's when the coupons expire, and I currently have no plans to use any of mine.


-25% Valve

-25% Valve

-33% Valve

-50% Valve

-25% Sega

-25% Focus Home Interactive

-25% Cogs

-50% Rockstar Games

-50% Nail'd

-50% Oddworld: Abe's Exodus

-50% Droplitz

-50% Trauma

-75% Aliens vs. Predator

-50% Duke Nukem Forever (The True Coal)


I'm willing to trade against other cupons, any minor gifts like a tf2 item you may have lying around, or just give them away at this point. Anyone want any?

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