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Games You've Beat in 2012


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Well I beat Mario vs Donkey Kong: Mini Land Mayhem. It was alright but very easy. Only the last couple levels provided any real challenge.


  On 1/27/2012 at 1:31 AM, Battra92 said:

My (pathetic) List so far

Bonk's Adventure

Sonic Colors

Sonic CD

Sonic 4


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You could load up your profile, go to "my content" and then sort it by title (though that has the issue of not sorting it by date on top of that). Should group together all your posts in this thread. Failing that, mention your name or some random word/string of letters and digits in your posts then you can use the search up top to find all those posts with that in.


Why? Cos if you're wanting to know what you've beaten this year you could do a backlog list. Be it backloggery, darkadia or just a txt file.

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I beat the SSX extended tutorial singleplayer last night. The story is awful, the comic book cutscenes are a bit cringeworthy, but I honestly didn't seem to care because the gameplay was so good. The difficulty seemed to spike a bit at the end, which was a bit unexpected, but I was able to get through it (surprisingly) without too much hassle.

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  On 4/19/2012 at 6:53 PM, Sporkwaffles said:
I beat the SSX extended tutorial singleplayer last night. The story is awful, the comic book cutscenes are a bit cringeworthy, but I honestly didn't seem to care because the gameplay was so good. The difficulty seemed to spike a bit at the end, which was a bit unexpected, but I was able to get through it (surprisingly) without too much hassle.


What's the music like in it? Is it similar to the old games I guess it's too much to hope it still has Jerk it out on the playlist.

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  On 4/19/2012 at 8:04 PM, TheFlyingGerbil said:
  On 4/19/2012 at 6:53 PM, Sporkwaffles said:
I beat the SSX extended tutorial singleplayer last night. The story is awful, the comic book cutscenes are a bit cringeworthy, but I honestly didn't seem to care because the gameplay was so good. The difficulty seemed to spike a bit at the end, which was a bit unexpected, but I was able to get through it (surprisingly) without too much hassle.


What's the music like in it? Is it similar to the old games I guess it's too much to hope it still has Jerk it out on the playlist.


It's a lot of EDM, dubstep, and hip-hop, with a bit of pop and rock tossed in there. It's alright. I don't necessarily like all of the songs, but they all work really well in the game, especially with how they seem to remix the songs as you go down the mountain.


There's no Jerk it Out, but there is a version of It's Tricky, so that's good enough for me.

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Beat Crysis 2 last night.


It was a lot of fun but I'm glad I ended up cancelling my Steam pre-order when the demo came out. I can see how it would've pissed me off if I'd played it when my hype was at it's highest.


Overall I'd say it was better than most generic (single-player) shooters out there but a big step down from the original.

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  On 4/22/2012 at 6:54 PM, FLD said:

Beat Crysis 2 last night.


It was a lot of fun but I'm glad I ended up cancelling my Steam pre-order when the demo came out. I can see how it would've pissed me off if I'd played it when my hype was at it's highest.


Overall I'd say it was better than most generic (single-player) shooters out there but a big step down from the original.


I sort of stopped playing when I realized the grenades were mapped to double-tapping 1 and I couldn't change the FOV at all.


Glad to hear it's not too terrible, though.

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Max Payne. It's very likely the game I've replayed the most in my life but playing Alan Wake two months ago made me want to revisit it and I've been playing it on and off the past few weeks. The game has aged remarkably well. The gunplay and bullet-time feel as tight as they did back in the days and I had a blast replaying it.


Now to replay the second one slowly over the next few weeks in preparation for Max Payne 3's release. :D

Having the first two fresh in memory probably means I'll be more critical of any change in tone in the third one's writing, though.

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Helped my roommate beat Mass Effect 2. He was on the last half hour, but hadn't picked it up in nearly seven months. He got Mass Effect 3 and I told him he needed to finish it. He thought he had, like, two hours left. I'm pretty sure the game makes it clear going to the Collector's Base is the final stretch and there's no going back, but what'cha gonna do?


All I really did was tell him who to pick so that no one died. Still, he only asked for who to send the survivors back and the biotic to use. <_<

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Beat Alpha Protocol, that game sure is... janky. Stealth gradually became useless while the pistol eventually let you 1-shot anyone from any range. Dialogue stuff was interesting though kinda a pain, some of the timers felt fairly short barely giving me enough time to read before going on and some of the wording felt incredibly vague, resulting in stuff completely opposite of what I intended. I did enjoy the story though, and the interrogation/recap thing was an way to reflect on your choices.

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I beat Botanicula a few days ago. Great game. Far easier than Machinarium though. I think I only looked up one puzzle, and that was because I was distracted during a scene when an item drops on the ground, and it's hard to tell that there's anything there when going back to that area so I missed it. Beautiful, charming, lovely game though.

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Finished up Xenoblade Chronicles a few days ago. It's rare for me to ever consider a game "great"; even "good" games are pretty uncommon. This one, however, was downright incredible, and will stand as one of the best games I've played in my life, let alone this gen.


It was pretty amazing how they managed to build such a big world given the hardware, but they made it work. It just did a TON of things right.


Anyone with any interest in JRPGs or even WRPGs/MMORPGs should really consider giving it a try. And if anyone has a rig powerful enough to run this in HD, I would love to hear their take on it.

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Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne.


It's shorter than I remembered. Took me about 2 hours less than the original and I went through it much quicker than I'd planned. Story is weaker than the first one's but the gunplay is way better so that kinda makes up for it.


I'd say May 29th and Max Payne 3 seem far away, but I'm pretty sure in 10 days I'll be too busy to even remember I'm looking forward to it. :)

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Let's see...so far this year I've beaten:


The Darkness II, which was a lot better than the first Darkness (though I did like it).


Transformers: Dark of the Moon, which was...very average and unremarkable.


Dante's Inferno. I liked it well enough, but it tried way too hard to be...well...dark, mature and edgy.


Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City was...an adequate way to kill seven hours or so of my time with my younger cousin who is a big enough fan of RE to endure crummier games (I am too, I mean, I beat RE Gaiden twice).


Prototype 2 was also more enjoyable than the game that came before it. Even if Heller was a relatively simple minded kind of guy, I'm a bit of sucker for 'father trying to save his daughter' stories after I played Nier.


Technically, I've beaten KoFXIII and Soulcalibur V, in so much as clearing story mode entirely counts.

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