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Games You've Beat in 2012


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inFamous 2


A bit disappointed that it barely improves on the original but the first one was pretty awesome so that's not much of a complaint. Although the final mission was kind of a joke. I remember the fight against Kessler actually being challenging in the first one but I just breezed through the ending of this one.


I'd been really itching to finally play it for the past month or so, so getting it for free through PS+ came at a perfect time. So glad I subscribed to that :D. I was also starting to get a bit of gaming fatigue lately and this was just the palate cleanser I needed.


I don't think I'll get started on an evil run right away, though.

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  On 6/11/2012 at 5:58 PM, Faiblesse Des Sens said:

I think what it does in terms of improvement is just making everything feel smoother and like it should. In the first game I felt like I was fighting the game a bit at times. The 2nd didn't feel like that.


Pretty much, yeah. It really wasn't a "woah" kind of improvement, everything just worked better. Although I did once again find myself cursing at the climbing mechanics a lot until the improved static thrusters unlocked. That really should've been the first big move you unlocked.


Also, it's been a really long time since I've played the first one, so I might be remembering it wrong but... doesn't 2 feels like it has much less content? I remember Empire City having three areas whereas New Marais only had two, and half of the second one (the flooded section) barely had anything in it.

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I beat Deus Ex: HR: The Missing Link: The DLC last night. It wasn't very good. It wasn't terrible... well it actually might have been terrible but it was enough like the rest of the game for me not to notice. But in general I felt like the AI was way worse than the regular game, even on the same difficulty, they wouldn't hear or see things they would normally which really destroyed any sort of immersion. Besides that the story wasn't very interesting until the last hour and it seemed extremely linear and not as well thought out as the whole game.

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It only took me 14 years (well, a week or two this time around) but I can finally say I completed a conquest of all England in Lords of the Realm.


  On 4/13/2012 at 9:01 PM, Battra92 said:

My (pathetic) List so far

Bonk's Adventure

Mario vs Donkey Kong: Mini Land Mayhem

Sonic Colors

Sonic CD

Sonic 4


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Well, I just finished this today. Took me exactly 9 hours without doing any side stuff. Got about 30% of the trophies, most story related.

Probably the best game Ive played this year so far. Definitely going to go back to it and get more trophies.


Spoilers maybe? Not sure.



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The game is meaty and worth the 40 bucks easily though. Huge world, lots of challenges, hidden bosses, and I wasnt even close to leveling up all my skills. I cant recommend Gravity Rush enough.

If I have to rate it, its a definite 9/10 for me.



On an unrelated note, this game kind of reminded me the inFamous games. More than the gem/shard collecting and huge cities, it just has that same kind of feel to me. Not at all a bad thing either.

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I don think it counts since I've beaten MGS2 probably over 20 times over the years, but I just beat the Vita version.


Im skipping MGS3. Im tired of that game. Maybe some day Ill give it a shot. Probably gonna go back and collect dogtags in MGS2 or collect trophies in Gravity Rush.

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  On 6/17/2012 at 4:06 PM, madbassman39 said:

Fable II I liked the game enough for the $15 I spent on it. I didn't think it was fantastic but when I started to look at it as more of a zelda like game I kind of liked it. I really like the artwork/setting of the game. On to fable III now.

Fable II had a great world, I really have some fond memories playing it, even if it wasn't the greatest game I've ever played.

Fable III is inferior to Fable II in almost every way, unfortunately. However, it's still worth playing if you don't have much else to play.

Avoid the Fable II DLC.

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I want to set my wee one up on Fable III (no means to paly my copy of Fable II atm) and put a hunch into work, which is it's kinda "My first ARPG" which is where it'll grind a lot with us lot since we're used to games aimed at more experienced and older gamers. Considering most trash put out as "kids games" Fable is pretty high calibre.

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Been working on StarCraft: Brood War on and off the past few weeks and I finally beat the last campaign (Zerg) tonight.


Man, this one had some tough missions. I mean, the original had some hard ones, but nothing like this. The last few Zerg missions felt so damn impossible that I just went "fuck it" and used a cheat that basically gave me infinite minerals and gas. And even then the final mission took me over an hour to clear.


I normally hate using cheats to beat a game but I was only playing this for the story before moving on to Wings of Liberty (which I bought like 6 months ago), so I really didn't want to get stuck for weeks unable to finish it.

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I know and I purposely didn't read it when I installed the game back then. If I'd wanted to read a plot summary instead of experiencing the story for myself I'd have just read it up on wiki long ago. Besides, the game is actually pretty good up until you get to those last few crushingly difficult missions :P

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I played sly 1 and 2 back to back and enjoyed them both - 2 being slightly better. I started on 3 but got bored of it. I don't know if it wasn't as good or I just got bored of playing too much of the same thing.


Having said that I'll definitely be going back to finish it and for that price I would definitely get all three but just spread them out a bit.

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Just finished Quantum Conundrum. Took about 4 hours. I liked it, though the ending was rather abrupt. I'm not sure why people had a problem with the writing; it wasn't as good as Portal, sure, but it didn't seem to me like it was trying to be like Portal.

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  On 6/22/2012 at 9:36 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

Just finished Quantum Conundrum. Took about 4 hours. I liked it, though the ending was rather abrupt. I'm not sure why people had a problem with the writing; it wasn't as good as Portal, sure, but it didn't seem to me like it was trying to be like Portal.


It's not trying to be like Portal, it's exactly like Portal. The only major difference is the device you use to solve the puzzles, everything else is aesthetics and tone. But from a genre, structure and design perspective? Yeah, it's the same game.


Haven't finished it yet but I'm more than halfway through so I'll probably be doing that later today.


edit: Well, just finished it and it really does end quite abruptly. There's DLC on the way, though, so hopefully it picks up where the game ends.

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I get that gameplay wise it's just like Portal, but I was talking about the writing specifically. The writing is not like Portal, and it didn't seem to me like it was trying to be like Portal, so I don't get why people are criticizing it by saying it's not as witty as Portal.

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