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Games You've Beat in 2012


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Beat inFamous. Great game! Now to inFamous 2. (Initial impression: I do not like Cole's new voice).


I actually grew to love his new voice. Screw the old one. I don't even remember it; this Cole's got a better sense of humor.


I've beat a bunch of games, but my list of stuff is at home. Max Payne 3 was the most recent--would not recommend to anyone, even for the $4.15 I paid to rent it. Presently playing Prototype 2--holy shit is this game fun. It fixes everything wrong with the first one and has a more compelling world than even Infamous 2's (previous favorite of the Infamous/Prototype grudge match). Playing these games is a bit like watching people constantly one-up each other.


Also, James Heller's moment with the computer is one of the funniest moments in gaming history. Plot's not super great, and Blackwatch is almost goofily evil.

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I actually grew to love his new voice. Screw the old one. I don't even remember it; this Cole's got a better sense of humor.

Me too actually, it took me awhile, but now I have to say I much prefer the new Cole. He's got more range to him (but that might be due to a bit better writing too). Plus Eric Ladin tweets info he shouldn't!

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Alan Wake's American Nightmare. Was a bit shorter than I expected (about 5 hours) but it was awesome, especially for the price. The combat is a lot more fun than in the original with all the new weapons and enemy types. I really wouldn't mind playing another one like this while we wait for a proper Alan Wake 2.

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Presently playing Prototype 2--holy shit is this game fun. It fixes everything wrong with the first one and has a more compelling world than even Infamous 2's (previous favorite of the Infamous/Prototype grudge match). Playing these games is a bit like watching people constantly one-up each other.


Hmm, I may have to grab Prototype 2 when it's cheap enough. I really liked the first one. The story and character stuff was garbage but the actual gameplay was loads of fun. With the story looking pretty rubbish, I didn't see what the sequel could bring to improve it. I certainly don't expect a compelling world...not that Infamous 2's was ever that compelling, speaking relatively.

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Finished two more (hooray for summer!) Serious Sam 3 and Darksiders.


First, SS3. Er, weird ending. Quite weird. Loved the over-the-topness, though, if only presentation-wise. Gameplay-wise the game went into complete-clusterfuck mode that kind of killed the final moments for me, if only they would've made the final boss a bit more straightforward it would've saved some confusion and a little headache from all the shit going on. But the overall game is ace for me. Played through it in co-op with my bro and we both had a pretty good time. It was a bit overwhelming, though, we couldn't play more than one level at a time. It's a great game, but it drains you, something that I can't say for many games :P


Darksiders. Well, ain't this a little gem. First tried it in an OnLive 30-minute trial and liked it enough to buy it at $5 at the soonest Steam sale, then played about 3/4ths of it before shelving it for a while and coming back to it now. I can't say how well this game clicked for me. Loved the God of War inspired combat system inserted into Zelda fare, loved the puzzles, I actually liked the art style (a lot of people absolutely abhor it for some odd reason), and the story got surprisingly good toward the end. A couple of obtuse puzzles and gruffy-mc-gruff-gruff-let's-make-everyone's-voice-gruffy kept me from jumping off the walls with this game, but it was so good despite being so derivative that I gotta hand it to Sigil for borrowing from so many games yet making a great cohesive, and above all FUN experience. And after Rage and Bulletstorm, I was VERY happy to learn that this game had a PROPER final boss battle and, above all, a PROPER ending cutscene that lasted longer than 30 seconds and didn't only go "GAME'S DONE, GET OUT NOW"! I'm really pleased about that. I'm a fan now, and I'm looking forward to Darksiders II without a doubt. I just hope the PC version won't suck as much this time, what with the maddening microstuttering and nonsensical framerate drops. That's what bothered me the most, actually.

Edited by RockyRan
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First, SS3. Er, weird ending. Quite weird. Loved the over-the-topness, though, if only presentation-wise. Gameplay-wise the game went into complete-clusterfuck mode that kind of killed the final moments for me, if only they would've made the final boss a bit more straightforward it would've saved some confusion and a little headache from all the shit going on. But the overall game is ace for me. Played through it in co-op with my bro and we both had a pretty good time. It was a bit overwhelming, though, we couldn't play more than one level at a time. It's a great game, but it drains you, something that I can't say for many games :P


Yeah, I've been playing through it with a few friends in co-op recently as well. It's good, and it still feels like Serious Sam, but like any Serious Sam games does, it wears you down after one or two levels. We seem to find ourselves going into the tunnel vision "try the same thing over and over until it works" strategy by halfway through the second.

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I originally bought Darksiders on 360, but then I bought the PC version (probably during that same Steam sale) and haven't played it yet, I'm waiting until closer to Darksiders 2. Is it really that bad on the PC?


It's not bad, the framerate is just inconsistent and I couldn't get anti-aliasing to work all that well for some reason. I'd still prefer the PC version since it still played at 1080p and above 30 FPS (Most of the time anyway).

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Yeah, I remember the framerate being fairly inconsistent on the 360 as well.


On the AA front, I freaking love that Nvidia built FXAA into their drivers, so I can antialias almost any game now, even if it's coded in such a way that traditional driver-forced antialiasing doesn't work (like lots of Unreal Engine games).

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Finished another one (hooray!): Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood.


Err, it's just. There. I liked the game enough, but overall I think it'll be one of those games that you won't remember a thing about. Nothing particularly standout from the campaign, and there were more than enough issues with the presentation (unpolished transitions, etc.), character facial animations were hilariously bad, and the "cover" mechanic was a complete disaster when using a mouse. Not to mention a whole bunch of BS deaths where I'm hiding behind cover and yet I'm still getting shot at for no good reason. Though I did like the way the story ended (yes, I do pay attention in game stories), music was pretty good, graphics were good (when not looking at people talking), the game ran super smooth at all times on my PC, and the overall theme I thought was executed pretty solidly. Overall, I'd say pretty average, with some moments of frustration. Could've done with more polish, though, that was the standout problem.

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Seriously, nearly six months of hype for a post-story DLC that lasted for a single day without much effort. Wasn't even much of a story besides Harley Quinn going even more bananas, though people have been discussing what Gordon was trying to talk to Batman about. You know, the "other problem."


Still, a hint and an easter egg wasn't really satisfying.

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Yeah, with the 6 month development time, you'd really think they'd have something more substantial than that.

What I disliked was switching back to Batman. I've played as Batman, for two games now. Why not have the whole thing as Robin? That was the coolest part of the DLC.

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Max Payne 3. Took me about 10 hours. Decent length, I guess.


I already posted my impressions in the MP3 thread so all I'll say is it's a great game but my worries about the story turned out to be spot on.


They've also made some pretty weird/stupid design decisions, though. A good example is how the game automatically defaults you back to your handgun after every cutscene. This is especially annoying for mid-level ones. Numerous times I cleared a room, went into a cutscene only for more enemies to appear and going out of the cutscene I died because I reacted based on my previously equipped weapon, say a shotgun. Most of the time it was annoying more than anything, but I did die a few times because of it. Just such an unintuitive design choice. The worst was when it reverted to the handgun when I was out of ammo for the damn thing. So fucking stupid.


Oh and I don't remember who it was that said the game was too hard (and that they'd bumped down the difficulty) but... I have no idea what the hell they were on about. I played on medium and it seemed pretty standard to me. Some sections posed a challenge but nothing unfair or anything. The way you can recover from a fatal wound by shooting whoever dealt you the damage actually made some situations a bit easy, imho. I dunno, overall the difficulty felt pretty balanced, even maybe leaning on the easy side a bit at times. Maybe people are too used to regenerating health? :s

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Very short (took me a little over 3 hours) but I liked it. There isn't much of a narrative to it and the puzzles aren't all that complex so there's very little replay value here. I liked it but I'm glad I didn't have to pay for it. It's definitely not worth the 15$ price tag. 10$ would be more reasonable but honestly I wouldn't recommend paying more than 5 bucks for it.

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Yeah, I paid $7.50 and was happy, but for most people I'd probably agree that $5 should be the threshold.


I thought they had a lot of great ideas for puzzle mechanics, but they never developed them far enough. Each time a mechanic started to get interesting in the puzzle complexity they abandoned it for a new one. I would have liked to see them put the various mechanics together.

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