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2012 New Year's Resolutions


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Mine is the same as it's been for the past couple of years - To give up smoking. Since New Year's Eve, I've had about 10 cigarettes, which for me is epic as I usually go through 20 a day. Today, I'll probably have 2 or 3 and tomorrow hopefuly less. Now all I've got to do is get some brownie mix to ensure I don't fall off the wagon - I'll still be consuming marijuana, self-medicating as I won't touch sleeping pills.

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some other form of money making.

Go on...




For me, a few things:

  • I'd like to lose a little weight. I'm not huge but I've definitely put on a few pounds over the year. Nothing crazy but maybe just watching what I eat, playing more disc golf and hacky-sack when I've got some spare time.
  • I'd like to grow a little stronger in my faith; going to try another read-through of the bible this year.
  • I'd like to finish more games to completion--one a month if I can manage.
  • I'd like to read more books--one a month if I can help it.
  • I'd like to spend more time with my wife and kids.

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I don't make resolutions but this year I have some goals


1) Buy a house. We haven't had much luck lately and quite frankly I see no reason to settle for a so-called "starter home." I'm not moving again in three years. I think that house flipping has been shown to be a loser's game for most.

2) Ignore my In-Laws. They have been real shitheads lately and quite frankly I don't understand how people who have so much can be so ungrateful and so unkind to those who don't have as much.

3) Save up and upgrade my PC. I will give my old one a rebuild and give it to my brother. I'm not sure on the budget yet (I'm thinking I can swing $800 as I already have a good monitor, keyboard, mouse etc.) A lot of it depends on how much I have to pay the taxman this year and how much of my old crap I can sell. I already have a copy of Windows 7 to use plus Linux is free, of course. I may just have to roll back Distros as Gnome, KDE and Unity are all unusable to me at this point.

4) Not have any kids yet.

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Lose some weight which I already started on last year. I lost about ten pounds last year. I regained about 4 during the holidays. With no major meals and holidays for a while, I think I can push myself back down to 190 or below before I regain some weight from muscle mass. I was arund 210 for the longest time and I was very happy to see myself under 200. This sat, I might attempt a long bike ride to farmers market and back to my place.


I don't really care but I'm not getting any younger so those extra pounds will take it toll sooner or later.


Other than that... As and Bs. I was mad at myself for the Cs I got last quarter. Let's do this

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1) Get into real college. I've been going to a community college for not very long, but it's in my hometown, and it's about time I get out of here before I go insane.

2) Move. This goes right along with where I live and resolution 1.

3) Gain weight. I'm about 6'3" and only 140 pounds, and I'd like to fit into pants that aren't impossible to find anywhere.

4) Stop buying games I can't finish/finish more games I bought, because, well, this is a gaming forum.

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Oh yeah, get a partner would be nice too. Not really sure on that one though. Especially as my social circle is massively shrinking this year.


Yeah, I've practically sworn myself to celibacy for the meantime. I'd love to have a girlfriend for ALL the things that involves but as I like to say when my friends ask me why I don't - "I can't afford one right now." - for more than monetary reasons. But yeah, it'd be nice if I found someone who was like "Oh, you don't really give a shit right now. Ok, I can fly with that." but I doubt it'll happen.

Edited by MasterDex
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I'm with the issue that pretty much everyone has moved away now that Uni is completely done for. Tom is only one still in Uni and he's off to America when done n Ben is making plans to move down south to find fame n fortune.


Well if ya ever pop over to Ireland, ya may come down and meet myself and Excel for a few scoops and we'll see about setting ya up with a fiery Irish lass! :D

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The Irish I've met are rather nice. We also went on holiday to Ireland when the Irish Nationals( that mini racing I did) were on, and really nice folks. Very quick to making friends n getting in rounds n all that. Very hospitable.. One day I may take you up on the offer should I scrounge enough for a ferry n such.

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I stopped making resolutions for the New Year's ever since I turned 21 maybe. See my birthday is right at the start of the year so making food related resolutions is stupid.


Instead I have a list of goals and things I want to achieve in life that I view every morning. I read it to myself and follow through. All I can tell you guys is never give up on what you really want to do despite it feeling and seeming hard. I've had this list since i was 23 and have done almost everything or am on the way to most of the things with the exception of getting a Pilot's license.


Maybe to travel outside of business more.

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Dex, have you actually met Excel? I've always wondered if any Forumies had met each other. Really hope I can come out to the Isles and meet some of you at some point.


I'd hardly call them resolution, more just goals but:


1. Try to graduate with all A's. Only one course I've got a B in right now, and next semester the courses are even easier, so just need to work on Biology here.


2. Go to post secondary school. Looking at a number of Colleges and Uni's in Vancouver at the moment, particularly the Vancouver Art Institute and Vancouver Film School. Fingers crossed.


3. Get in shape. I've probably told some of you before that I'm not really out of shape, I'm 6'4 and 150 pounds, but I'm weak as shit, so just trying to do a few pushups/situps every day and maybe get a little more toning.


4. Learn to Snowboard/Ski. Tried snowboarding for the first time last year (Which is odd as I used to live an hour away from a world famous mountain range.) While I think my feet may be too big for boarding it was still tons of fun and skiing should give me more luck as feet are forward of course, not sideways.


5. Learn to make chiptunes. Using some of my Xmas money I've bought myself an old GBC and a copy of LSDJ, a popular program for making chiptunes. Currently in the mail but I'm really looking forward to learning how to use it and hopefully write some kick ass music!


6. Obligatory get a girlfriend. Finally started giving more of a shit about my appearance and the way I act around others last year and it's clearly paid off very well so far. Hoping to continue this into the new year and finally try this whole thing out.


Hmm, before writing this I didn't really think I was very ambitious but damn, typing that all out has got me pumped for this year! =D

Edited by Masonvrocks
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Dex, have you actually met Excel? I've always wondered if any Forumies had met each other. Really hope I can come out to the Isles and meet some of you at some point.


We've known each other for around 15 years or so. He's one of my oldest and greatest friends. I think it'd be great to meet some of ye in person at some point - maybe even have a PXOD LAN party!


Update on my new Year's Resolution - I've smoked 7 cigs since my post. It's still down from my average but nowhere near what I hoped for. Today I'll go for a more realistic 5 and this time I'll set it as a limit rather than a guesstimation. 1 down. 4 to go. Gotta space 'em out.

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Like others, mine are goals and not resolutions. :P


1. Learn how to play the drums, I started some years ago but abandoned them when my neighbors complained about the noise. Fortunately, I no longer have neighbors so I can practice in peace. :P


2. Travel more, really want to go to the EG Expo and hopefully after that, spend at least 2 weeks or so in Yorkshire. Before that, I want to visit some other places here where I live. :P


3. Learn how to draw, I have a ton of ideas in my head that don't translate well into text so I would like to draw them instead. :P


4. Start recording a Let's Play, Chronixal inspired me to do this, I just have to buy the stuff I'll need. :P


5. Learn Japanese and maybe 1 other language. :P

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