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Borderlands 2


Buying it? For what system?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you buy Borderlands 2?

    • Definitely!
    • Probably at/around launch
    • Probably, at some point (if goes on sale and I need a new game)
    • Probably not
    • No.
  2. 2. If you buy it, what system will you buy it for?

    • PC
    • PS3
    • Xbox 360
    • There is absolutely no way I'm buying it.

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  On 9/28/2012 at 1:54 PM, Maritan said:

That's why you play this game in coop. Do you guys play BL2 alone?


I don't know about other people, but when you're older and all have jobs and responsibilities, it can be much harder to coordinate co-op.


In my case, I have a friend who seems to like playing alone and also was off 'sick' from work, so he levelled ahead of me. While another friend barely finds any time to play, so he's nine levels below me. I did 'escort' him past Captain Flynt the other night, but it buffed the enemies beyond his skill range, unfortunately. I was his bodyguard (but he didn't call me Betty, so I didn't call him Al).


The level system can be annoying in that way. :P

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  On 9/28/2012 at 1:54 PM, Maritan said:

That's why you play this game in coop. Do you guys play BL2 alone?

Coordinating Co-op isn't so easy. Also it carries on cutting my steam connection a lot of late. I'm mainly doing it SP to get a feel of it. Of the folks I've got lined up for co-op I've a person currently in EG Expo (not a PXOD person), a uni student, and americans.

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  On 9/28/2012 at 2:19 PM, Hot Heart said:
  On 9/28/2012 at 1:54 PM, Maritan said:

That's why you play this game in coop. Do you guys play BL2 alone?


I don't know about other people, but when you're older and all have jobs and responsibilities, it can be much harder to coordinate co-op.


In my case, I have a friend who seems to like playing alone and also was off 'sick' from work, so he levelled ahead of me. While another friend barely finds any time to play, so he's nine levels below me. I did 'escort' him past Captain Flynt the other night, but it buffed the enemies beyond his skill range, unfortunately. I was his bodyguard (but he didn't call me Betty, so I didn't call him Al).


The level system can be annoying in that way. :P

Guess I'm lucky to have steam friends who are willing to always play together and don't play separately from the group.

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That's exactly my problem. This game is meant to be played for co-op primarily, but all my friends and I cannot find the time to play, not to mention they're all playing guild wars 2 as well [i own it too, but Borderlands 2 is my lover].


So I made a single player character, leaving our co-op characters intact. I've seen my friend play with 2/3 more characters with other people in co-op, but I have no interest in playing as zero or the gunzerker so I am not using them and keeping my single player and my co-op character. once I beat the game once and see they haven't gotten too far I might just make another siren character then

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Oh, yeah, of course. I have other friends who can't resist the call of Pandaria or GW2, as well.


Also, another factor that aids in my survivability is a mod that boosts and regenerates health. From what I've seen of mods, do other classes not get this sort of thing? They seem focused around certain playstyles, so maybe not.


So, for Zero, there are mods meant for pistols, sniping or melee while I've seen Axton gets different boosts to his turret or team damage and the Gunzerker gets things for regenerating ammo and general weapon buffs.

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Because I'm always being solo, since the only friend I have playing it regularly is massively leveled beyond mine, I have Zer0's "Bloodied Survivor" mod that regenerates health.


With how health is managed in this game now, I can't always rely on finding it in time. I mean, we use to be able to carry health packs, but perhaps in an effort to emphasis co-op play, you can only find them to use them. There are some other cool mods, though I don't particularly care for the weapon specific ones, but I'll carry a good Ninja (+X% Melee) and/or good Professional (+X% Shield Capacity and Rate) in case I decide favoring something else.


I did find a relic that boosted my shield by 6.7%, so I switched to that over the 'Vault Hunter" one that increases rare items drops by 5%. I also keep the vehicle relic you get from Lily just for when I am using a vehicle.

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I had never gotten a goliath to transform into a GOD-liath for the achievement until today when we played co-op and finally got one. It all runs down to letting it chase you around and rush past enemies so it kills them and transforms, help him out so he doesnt get killed either.

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Caustic Caverns was not a friendly place. Though it was satisfying when I managed to slag snipe the Badass Varkid in the critical spot during Deception, then set it alight with my fire sniper rifle and deliver the killing blow via melee right to its face as it charged me.


Wormhole Threshers are a pain in the arse though. Went exploring in that area, was fighting some 'regular' ones when one of them managed to knock me backwards into the next area, thus spawning all the other Threshers. So I just got surrounded by about seven of the buggers before being pincered between two Wormhole ones. Bastards.


At least the Crystalisks are child's play for me.

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I probably should have done some of the easier side missions before going to Caustic Caverns. I'm now Lv 24 and doing these 16-19 leveled missions is a breeze 98% of the time. It would have made going through the caverns easier given that all the enemies were the same levels as me. But yeah, now I'm able to one-hit melee each leg of a Crystalisk.


Also, even though I've found some slightly more powerful sniper rifles, this Jakobs sniper rifle with 506 damage has a +180% Critical Damage bonus. So, if I miss the head, just 506... but when I hit a critical hit area, with all my bonuses it comes out to a total of 3156!

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Double Post of Concern!


Maybe it's because I was playing for the last four hours, but I've reached Chapter 14 and I have the strongest feeling that I'll need someone's help... and with how very few Borderlands 2 PS3 friends I have... I'll have to invite someone through... public...


Other than that, kinda got pissed when I accidentally switched to the wrong weapon in Fight For Your Life mode. That single second cost me the critical hit I needed, and I probably could have kept the targets health above 50% for that extra bonus junk/whatever. Either way I got my precious 3ng13 head!


Also, my Vladof pistol + Sheriff's Badge = Delicious Death!

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It's pretty much a toss up ranging from either someone like yourself (i.e. first time and slower pace) to someone who is on their third character and run-in-guns it to each waypoint thereby making co-op more of a rat race.


I probably will go for it, but from what I've seen it only takes one to spoil the bunch.

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I'm not too concerned with weapon hogging. At this point I have a purple-colored rocket launcher able to deal 5683 damage, which has been OP for many levels, and my main weapon slot is great.


I don't much care for assault rifles now, but I have one as backup if my pistol/SMG run out of ammo. When you wear one of those ammo absorbing shields, I find that most common ammo is for assault rifles. I have a great sniper rifle, and I finally got a good lightning shotgun again. Pretty much what elements I like to keep to certain weapons.


Sniper: Normal, or Lightning

SMG: Corrosive

Pistol: Normal

Shotgun: Lighting

Assault Rifle: Fire

Rockets: Explosive or, if high enough, Slag

Grenade: Prefer Slag, but the properties weigh in a lot more (I'm not very fond of Bouncy Betties)


Lightning sniper rifles can be really good, but once I ran into those Shock Nomads, I realized that it's good to have a non-elemental property so no one enemy has resistance. As for Slag, I know it's suppose to make enemies more vulnerable to other types of damage, but that's it. Once the enemy is slagged, slag ammo doesn't effect them with more damage, so you have to switch to a different weapon. That why I prefer my slag type to be those big one-hit weapons.

Edited by Atomsk88
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