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Borderlands 2


Buying it? For what system?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you buy Borderlands 2?

    • Definitely!
    • Probably at/around launch
    • Probably, at some point (if goes on sale and I need a new game)
    • Probably not
    • No.
  2. 2. If you buy it, what system will you buy it for?

    • PC
    • PS3
    • Xbox 360
    • There is absolutely no way I'm buying it.

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I have to say, Gearbox made a great villain this time around. Almost spit out my soda when...



the power core allowed Angel to take down Sanctuary's shield. I thought to myself beforehand, "Man, what if something happens to the shields... Would Hyperion take advantage of it quickly. Nah, doesn't seem like a likely story element for the shields to go down just yet."



Also, I helped out that A.I. Core. He doesn't make the best of a shield or weapon, though he was my first "ammo absorption" shield, but the little bit of dialogue makes it neat. I hear it would get annoying as a shotgun, and also I still favor that side quest shotgun too.

Edited by Atomsk88
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Ha. There's nothing quite like running up around some stairs and jumping down to melee a guy in the back of the head from above. Don't think I've done something like that since Halo Reach.


Also, I played the slot machine and won a grenade. A live one. :P

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I've got the two skins from the slot machines, as well a purple weapon from when you very luckily get three Marcus heads. Thing was... the weapon sucked. I'm sure if I were to Google it, I could find someone who has gotten the Vault Symbols. The only ones I haven't lined up are Moxxi's legs (though I know the result) and those symbols.


Anyway, recorded some gameplay last night of what I've been doing as Zer0. Really, redeeming those Badass Tokens and spending some skill points to improve his melee is worth it.


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Anyway, recorded some gameplay last night of what I've been doing as Zer0. Really, redeeming those Badass Tokens and spending some skill points to improve his melee is worth it.


A burst shield is usually pretty handy too. Though, I have saved a maylay shield for later on if I decide to go the melee route.


Probably not a great gun by certain people's standards (though it works well for my character) but it sure is purdy.


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I did the side mission "You Can't Fool Me Again" and you get a very good pistol out of it. I feel weird selling "rare" weapons, but I'm beginning to think that rarity only corresponds to all the abilities of the weapon. White and Green weapons usually have standard abilities.


Just tonight I ended up in, yet again, the same terrible situation. I'm fighting off all these stupid robots and I finish off the second to last one. A stupid repair bot zaps that last ounce of health I have, so I either get lucky shooting it down, or find that last robot. No luck shooting it down, and it turns out the last robot spawned on the side of the hill near the edge of the map.


I hate the feeling of defeating every enemy but ONE that happens to be hidden off somewhere. "Hey, you finished the mission... but you're dying!"

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I figured that since Atomsk posted his zero playstyle, I might as well post mine, so I woke up and recorded a bit of footage this morning. Honestly, because of the way I set up my build I'm not really invested into any one of the skill trees, but I don't find it too terrible so far. It's so far sort of a bastard child sniper/melee/stealth build without being really good at any of them.




If anything, it shows how different PC can play than PS3. Atomsk was certainly a lot more careful than I was...


Also, after watching it for the first time myself, I am horribly incompetent at the beginning... Guess that's what happens when you just wake up.

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I was about to get that head too W&S, but wouldn't you know it that the last regular "enemy" got me, and since the Badass version is like the others without any critical hit areas, I wasn't able to kill it and get my Second Wind.


I tell you, I must have Second Wind ten times down in Caustic Caverns. However, my Fine Law with +100% and my Melee stats made it easy to conserve bullets... Except for that Badass Pyro Thresher... I'm gonna need help.

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Word of advice to melee types trying to take on the crystaliks. One hit to each of its little crystal feet will take it down, and as zero, it becomes really easy. I've taken to charging in, knocking out one, phasing, knocking out the other, and then hitting the third while the little "recovery" animation goes on.


As far as that spot, yeah... Because I didn't get the Zer0 head the first time through I just ended up running through the enemies the second and third times I went in. Once you leave their little zone they'll leave you alone.

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First time I went in there I got like 3 Zer0 skins, 1 commando skin, and 2 siren heads. I save, quit, and literally didn't feel like going to the caverns just yet. I'll go back there once I'm 20+. Funny thing is the missions are only for level 15, but I want to go there and not stress about the spider rock things. I'm level 19 so I'll just do one of those millions of missions and then come back here to do its missions.

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Those crystal beast-things are so easy for me as Zer0. It's like what Spork was saying, though for me I snipe the first front legs, Deception, and one strike melee the last leg since its health will be low. The only thing that has given me trouble is (obviously) the Badass Pyre Thresher, but those Wormhole Threshers can be a pain.

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I've lost a good 6000 cash from a suicidal grenade bandit or the exploding robots. FUCK THEM RIGHT IN THE ASS.


Also am I the only one who utterly got raped in one mission where you're going up this spiraled thing going up [rescuing a certain someone] and the mini-boss in this area has a freaking rocketlauncher that can 1/2 shot you?

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Hmm, I haven't really struggled with anything except for W4RD3N (because I had no corrosive weapons at that point) and the couple of quest-related Badass Varkid variants in Tundra Express. I just make sure to use a lot of cover and dash away if in real danger (if not go on a full-on ninja melee rampage). Generally, it's a very cautious slow playstyle, but it works for me.


I guess the advantage to Zero is being able to plonk down a decoy if a load of suicide attackers come for you. Plus, I have a purple booster shield which spawns boosters that are most helpful (except when sewer rats nick them).


And just last night, I unlocked a Purple Slag Sniper Rifle, which should be very handy in the future.


p.s. we sorting out a roundtable at some point?

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Sigh I need to finish this game at some point. I've only managed to sink 6 hours into the game of which 2 were in the pause menu (damn this lack of time!) I've gone with a Siren primarily again. I don't know how I managed to play the first one so much as to platinum it (it's easier to forget that you own a game when you own it digitally).


It's so easy to lose track of what you own on steam when you own around 500+. Damn those indie bundles and steam sales.


Has anyone done a decent workaround to make BL2 splitscreen on the PC since I'd like to play it with a friend between two monitors at some point. The BL1 workaround doesn't work this time.

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Got it on the PC. I had always intended to get it on the PC, but a few friends wanted to play last weekend on the 360 so I caved and bought it. Last night a friend decided he was going to buy it on the PC and again I caved and bought it again.


The PC version settings all to the highest... it looks great!

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