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Resident Evil 6


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Also, don't hoard fire grenades and remote control bombs for tough single-boss fights. Those are meant for crowd control. Bullets are more precious than fire grenades. I made that mistake early on and during the wave-after-wave attack in many chapters I found myself using guns over these things.

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Good lord, yes they do. And I really don't like the dodge controls. They would be fine if not for the fact that unless you let go of the trigger, you end up lying on the ground. May I ask why? Wouldn't it make more sense to just hold down the A button during the dive to stay on the ground? I don't think I have ever seen another game do dodge rolls this way and it's a real pain to get used to.

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The whole thing is frustrating to me because I can tell that there is a good game in here somewhere that just got buried under a lot of poor design choices.


Oh, and skill points are the worst thing to happen to the series since the live action movies. Purchasing and upgrading weapons was by far my favorite thing about RE4 and 5. To do away with that in favor of Call of Duty Lite is just baffling to me. Did anyone ask for this change? Did people not LIKE buying and upgrading guns? They took out what, to me, was the game's best feature to put in this new game's WORST feature. It's a real slap in the face.

Edited by Mister Jack
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I finished Leon's campaign on Normal difficulty with little issue in regards to lack of ammo. My main priorities were to make sure that I was always stocked up on herbs/tablets moved/stored into my case which frees up space in my inventory. Get rid of the grenades and the bombs because frankly, I never, ever used them. You can easily take down the crowds with melee and a few shots to the head, but that's something you need to be good at. Shot to the head with a shotgun will definitely take the zombie down. Another shot and for sure, you're golden.


The only time I had issue with lack of ammo was at the end in


. For some reason, they wouldn't allow us to pick up any 9mm ammo even when I had emptied some slots in my inventory. This was the beginning of a rather frustrating turn of events, but I got through it and so can you. Melee when you can + and/or run and forget about killing every single zombie you come in contact with + keeping your inventory clear of any unnecessary items = good. And practice aiming for the head, even if it doesn't take them down right away. Another good tactic is to shoot first, grab your knife and then to a melee. Like I mentioned earlier, your attacks are different given the weapon you're holding. Leon will stab the enemy dead with his knife. Whereas if he's holding the assault rifle, that thing's head will splatter in one hit. Collect skill points and focus on defense and damage. You'll find a way to power through.


Now, if you really think Leon's campaign was tough, have fun with Chris's. :)

Edited by Dee
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I have to ask, is anyone else getting headaches from this game's camera? I don't know what it is, maybe how close it is or something but I have to scoot way back when I play this game, and after a while my eyes start to hurt and I need to take a break. This doesn't happen with any other game I've played recently, just RE6.

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Yes and no. I wear reading glasses practically the whole day so I can basically read anything that isn't right in front of my face but the second I get home I take them off. And since my tv is right in front of my bed in my room, where I play, I don't need to wear glasses to read subtitties.

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I just started Ada's campaign. I really really like this game. I must be fucked up in the head.


There's also free dlc coming soon. No hope difficulty and Ada's campaign being co op. from what I hear, her partner will just be a regular soldier. I hope it's one of the neo umbrella soldiers. I like their design. Reminds of a cross between the collectors from me2 and the helghan.

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Is that what they are? I have no clue who Neo-Umbrella even IS and I've beaten the three main campaigns now. I would say I want more details from the story but I honestly don't give a shit about the story in this game. The RE story was never exactly what I would call riveting but I could at least enjoy the cheesiness of it. This game's story just went way too far with it, though. I thought RE5 wrapped things up nicely but I guess as long as the game sells they'll keep making sequels.


Oh, and Wesker having a son? Bullshit.

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Well I beat the game.



I thought Leon's campaign was okay up until the end when it became tedious. Chris' campaign was a poor attempt to do a third person shooter but it was tolerable. Jake's campaign was shit. I even played through it with a friend and it was STILL no fucking fun. Ada's campaign...


Can I just say I'm starting to hate Ada as a character? She was alright in RE4 when she was the mysterious femme fatale, but when you are actually PLAYING as her she isn't supposed to be so one-dimensoinal. Ada Wong has no personality. Not only that, but she never seems bothered by anything that happens to her or the people around her. Nobody ever gets the better of her, even temporarily. She always wins without breaking a sweat. I hate to say it because I used to like Ada but she's starting to come across as a real Mary Sue.


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