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Just bought my first ever MP3. Didn't pay for it mind, since Amazon gave me £1* free for getting one of their free apps from their app store. I think I'll be sticking with shiny DRM free CDs given the whole "buy music. Go to phone, download specific app for this single song. Authorise device. Downlaod song, play single song". There's a fucking "shuffle" option there still. Surprise me amazon, shuffle my music. Thankfully it seems I can at least play this song in my regular music app even if the reverse is not true. Shame I can't just buy song, download song, copy to phone and be done with.


* Their songs aren't £1 though, they're like 69p and 89p. I imagine the plan is to tempt people to use it up by buying a second song and thus spending 50p or what not of their own money. But they're giving this free credit to people that already get free apps from them so I don't know what logic they're using here.

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No my phone copies music fine to it. I can even do it over wi-fi n all sorts if I like. That would be with music I've ripped myself or acquired from distributors other than Amazon n the like...

Amazon has an app to authorise your "devices", in this case my phone, to download and play MP3s brought through them. You can also do the "Cloud Player" stuff, so I can play my non-amazon bought music through the Amazon app, but I have to upload them to Amazon first, and at a limit of 250 songs or paying a yearly fee for the privilege Googles' Play Music app lets you import and play local music as well as music purchased through them and uploaded to their cloud services giving it a noticeable edge over Amazon.


edit: @HH: At first I was like "Red Sweeper? No I got Melody of Life, that's what I linked to" then clicked you were referencing today's free app of the day, which is Red Wrecker. And no I didn't (not yet at least, I'll have a look). This is from about a week or two back. Was gonna get that Kemosabe but it's unavailable.

Checking my past "Orders" and the time of the MP3 promo I got it for downloading The Elf Adventure for my sisters.

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Shame I can't just buy song, download song, copy to phone and be done with.


If you do it online you can but there is a download manager in the middle. Which is one of the things I love about Bandcamp: It's all in your browser. Find the album/song. Pay for it. Download page comes up. Pick your format. Download the zip.


But they're giving this free credit to people that already get free apps from them so I don't know what logic they're using here.


I think they're just hoping that one day you will buy something. It seems to be working overall for them.


Your last post doesn't seem right. Once it's on your computer, there's no DRM, so you can just drag and drop. You don't need to authorize anything unless your'e actually using the Amazon app and it's a piece of shit so unless you're using the cloud services or downloading within the app (I think it lets you do this?) then there's no reason to even install it.


Google's edge over Amazon is only that it's free. Google Music's 20k song limit is quite annoying. The Amazon app (again, why the fuck would you even use it for this) lets you play local music.


tl;dr Just throw the files onto your phone and you can use whatever music player you want. The authorization only comes when you tie to your Amazon account.

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don't use the music app, use the Amazon mp3 downloader to download the drm-free mp3 file, which you can then drag and drop on to your phone. I've set it up to do that automatically as I download music from them on a semi regular basis.

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So my housemate spied theses on clearance and picked up three. One for herself, one as a birthday present and one I bought off her. Yet to have a crack at it though but I'm sure I'll tweet once I pick a layout I like.



As for the Amazon thing. Instead of going via my phone and the Amazon MP3 app that Amazon suggest folks use I used their cloud player, went to download it and was promptly asked to download their client and authorise my PC. So so much for "You don't need to authorize anything unless your'e actually using the Amazon app" (unless "app" in this case is meaning program, in which case what undocumented method are you using?). Also given I've bought it from Amazon, using my amaz\on account which other method do you propose of purchasing the music from Amazon MP3 which doesn't tie it to my Amazon account and their Cloud Player service?


A bit of tinkering and I found out how to play local music, think I'll stick with DoubleTwist, a lot shinier and straight forward. In fact I've removed the app itself completely, at the moment music stills seems to be playing okay.



As for giving away free apps and £1 credit, not so sure, any evidence of this leading to much sales? I've spent infintiely much more Play with the enticement of apps on sale than I have on Amazons app due to enticement of apps for nothing. Mainly because Amazons app is shit even for the free apps. Wouldn't want to be tied to it for apps I'd spent cash on.

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Forgot you had to authorize it on your desktop, still less of a hassle than on your phone. =p


at the moment music stills seems to be playing okay.


Why wouldn't it? It's only the download itself that's tied to Amazon. Once it's on your computer you can do whatever you please with it. It's DRM-Free. That's the point TheFlyingGerbil and I are stressing.


As for giving away free apps and £1 credit, not so sure, any evidence of this leading to much sales? I've spent infintiely much more Play with the enticement of apps on sale than I have on Amazons app due to enticement of apps for nothing. Mainly because Amazons app is shit even for the free apps. Wouldn't want to be tied to it for apps I'd spent cash on.


Do you really think that Google is selling more music, movies, books, etc, than the content kings Amazon?

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The hassle is equally the same, still have to download an app or program, authorize it and download the music. Just given I use the music mostly on my phone it skips the extra step of "copy music over to the phone".

I'm still wary on the whole "DRM" free side of things, especially as it's a bit odd to need to authorise devices if all your authorizing them for is to download a file you can then copy paste all over the place. The only thing referencing DRM-Free is that the CloudPlayer will only import and play non-DRM MP3s, it gives no information on their own files and it does state on the FAQ "Device authorization is required by music rights holders.".




  On 1/9/2013 at 10:17 PM, Faiblesse Des Sens said:

Do you really think that Google is selling more music, movies, books, etc, than the content kings Amazon?

That wasn't what we were getting at those is it. It's if the giving away of free apps and credit is converting into paying customers. I'd say that since 9/10 the reviews given for the "free app of the day" is only coming from folks that got it for free, it's likely not something that's encouraging much paying customers.


And of course the Kindle store is outselling any other company for digital books, silly question to ask. Though on the movie side given one company is US only and the other across 11 nations I'd say that second company has a slight edge, but we both know Netflix is likely way ahead of both.

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I don't think it mentions DRM-Free because it's incredibly obvious. Even iTunes has been DRM-Free since 2009. The authorization thing makes sense for streaming but not so much for uploading. I guess they just apply it to both to be safe.


That wasn't what we were getting at those is it. It's if the giving away of free apps and credit is converting into paying customers. I'd say that since 9/10 the reviews given for the "free app of the day" is only coming from folks that got it for free, it's likely not something that's encouraging much paying customers.


Your'e assuming they don't want you tied to the whole ecosystem but the Kindle Fire is a perfect example of just that. They want you on Amazon. Breaking it into individual services isn't the point.

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The streaming web player actually requires zero authorization, it's only when you go to download it asks for authorizing your device. And why would it be incredibly obvious for digital media to be DRM free? I don't even have to point far beyond the borders of the main focus of this forum to show that DRM is very much a thing still for digital media.


I'm not assuming anything and the Kindle Fire is a perfect example of nothing. The app store isn't Fire exclusive so you can get the free apps without giving Amazon a penny (and as mentioned before the App Store turns me away more than anything). The Instant Video is the only thing Fire exclusive and as mentioned it's US only unlike Play Movies. Unless you have some other monetization up your sleeve giving away an app for absolutely diddly squat isn't going to make you as much as just putting on for sale for like 50% off, or selling it for 25p in a special sale or what not.

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