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one was um... Green? Another was just whatever HP uses in their laptops, and I had a blue go out a number of years ago.  I have a WD that's a year newer than my current Seagate and still running, not sure which it is. (eta: the drive itself just says Caviar, I think its a blue as well) The WD blacks are also typically $30-$50 more than Seagates, even their barracuda line. 

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Just want to add that I also have NEVER had a seagate die as well.

I have one that has lasted more than half a decade(maybe 7ish).

I've had several WDs die(but not as much as I've had other(non-Seagate) die on me.

If you are gonna get a HDD...make it a WesterDigital or Seagate and you should do alright. 

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  On 1/8/2014 at 6:16 PM, Vecha said:

Just want to add that I also have NEVER had a seagate die as well.


I have one that has lasted more than half a decade(maybe 7ish).


I've had several WDs die(but not as much as I've had other(non-Seagate) die on me.



If you are gonna get a HDD...make it a WesterDigital or Seagate and you should do alright. 


This is really bad advice. As MaliciousH said you should go for something known for its reliability and just buy a better model.

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  On 1/8/2014 at 7:06 PM, Faiblesse Des Sens said:


Just want to add that I also have NEVER had a seagate die as well.

I have one that has lasted more than half a decade(maybe 7ish).

I've had several WDs die(but not as much as I've had other(non-Seagate) die on me.

If you are gonna get a HDD...make it a WesterDigital or Seagate and you should do alright. 




This is really bad advice. As MaliciousH said you should go for something known for its reliability and just buy a better model.


I'm sorry...I should have said "in general" going for SG or WD is a good idea.

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  On 1/8/2014 at 7:47 PM, Faiblesse Des Sens said:

Due to nothing but anecdotal evidence though. You can easily find someone with the opposite experience which is why it's just better to pay for something more reliable.

Did you ONLY read the part of MH's post that said Western Digital Black?...and not the rest??

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  On 1/8/2014 at 9:00 PM, Faiblesse Des Sens said:

The other companies have more reliable models than the basic stuff, too.




I said you should be alright with WD/SG(they are widely believed to be the better two brands).MaliciousH said "In general" you will be fine with the two brands.  


It's pretty obvious not to get a specific SG/WD hard drive, that is widely reviewed to be shit and unreliable, just because it has SG/WD slapped on it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...


Since I find it so easy to pirate songs from Japanese/Foreign artists, I think I should throw them my money when they make their stuff available to me to buy. What better way than physical CDs for my car? I already got some rap/hip hop (Shing02). Time for some instrumental rock .

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Since I got some dosh loaded up in Amazon...715hS9C7cML._SL1500_.jpgI need an air pump to make some worm tea. I'm currently doing a 10 gallon batch without an air pump to see how that goes. Either way, I'll be using my worm castings to make worm tea all season long or use it directly.

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And about HDDs...


This will be my first HDD purchase from Amazon so I'll see how that goes if I need to RMA or whatever.

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Picked a foldable bike since space is somewhat limited. It's mainly to get me started back on fitness track, works out about 4 months of gym membership, so not the priciest of bikes. As and when it arrives housemeates have permission to make use of it, just gotta hope some of my friends that have a habit of dicking about with things they shouldn't don't touch it.

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64 GB. Online purchase from Bestbuy and it should get here by Monday... or I think by this Friday since Monday is a holiday. I guess the factories in Asia were really backed up for the stock to take this long to replenish.


Edit: It got sold out again. My order better ship.

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I've treated myself to a fancy pants coffee machine*. It came in an absolutely a massive box so even though I'd checked the measurements I was a bit worried when I saw it that it wasn't going to fit - but I don't think it is too big for the space. The fruit isn't normally there either so it won't look so hemmed in.


I've been wanting it for over a year and a coffee machine in general for even longer. For once my inability to commit to a decision paid off as it was a lot more than I wanted to pay for one but I didn't want a cheaper one that didn't do what I wanted, so I was in a stale mate but I ended up biting when I saw it for half it's original price, which was over £300 cheaper than I'd seen it anywhere else. However, the site I ordered it from went from saying out of stock to removing the page entirely so I was worried it was a price error and expected an email on Monday to say that my order had been cancelled. 


*Yes I know manual coffee machines make the best coffee, but I had one and it was hard to get consistent results, and you spend as long making and cleaning up that I didn't use it as often as I wanted. Other full auto systems had too many compromises for the amount they cost (don;t heat milk properly so your drink isn't hot and still needing some amount of cleanup after each drink being the main ones) . This one is pretty cool - it heat the milk in your cup so it's hotter than other auto systems and the cleans the wand itself so there in no cleanup at all.

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