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First 3 vols of One Piece in one nice big book. This series is superb. Afraid of reading through this too fast though!



And Brotherhood! I've watched the entire series subbed already but am watching the dub now with my girlfriend and its been removed from a lot of streaming sites so I decided to buy the DVDs as they are pretty cheap.

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I alphabetize mine, so it really bugs the crap out of me that it's not Batman: The Dark Knight, because then I'm torn between putting it where it should go in alphabetical order and putting it with its series. Ultimately I end up treating it like there's an implied "Batman 2" in there, but I don't like it!

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I alphabetize mine, so it really bugs the crap out of me that it's not Batman: The Dark Knight, because then I'm torn between putting it where it should go in alphabetical order and putting it with its series. Ultimately I end up treating it like there's an implied "Batman 2" in there, but I don't like it!


Mine are by genre and in some cases, by lead actor (e.g. alll of my Buster Keaton movies are together, same with Harold Lloyd etc.)

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Organisation is a pain. With films it's alphabetical when it's the pulp releases but the classics and specials go to a secret storage where they're categorised based on year of release. My games are categorised based on release as well with games there's a reason when you categorise it that way you keep a history of your purchases and what you were doing when it was out and also remember games that you haven't played.


Speaking of non-game purchases bought a lot of furniture the last 4-5 weeks. I bought a refurb iMac for my wife. Got new iPhones, cases, protectors, waiting for my new satchel to be delivered (Unicorn Cognac), actually in the process of ordering new boots (wondering if I can pull a favour from that handmade store I did a promo for last year). Bought a lot of classic PK Dick and Asimov.

New lenses for the 5D.


Mostly Birthday and tax returns.

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Organisation will set you free.


Not if you're me. I've mild OCD and if anyone, anyone messes up my order that will be highly annoying. If people want to borrow things or take things out of the shelves they best be prepared to keep it back exactly where they found it. Everyone who knows me, fortunately adheres to that :)

Organisation is nice after a spring clean though. Everything in my life is either meticulously organised or just left to the whim of things, there's no middle ground :P (ironic for me who's normally the grandmaster of the middleground according to my real world friends :/ - hate that title)

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$30 at Gamestop and with a $5 off coupon it came to about $27 dollars with taxes. Totally worth it. This thing is sturdy as hell. It just feels well built and the reviews for it have been great.


Now to remove the WWE art...........



...though I am a hipster. I could keep it on there for the sake of irony. Hmm...

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Its been years in the making, but I finally caved. It was 56 dollars with shipping and tax included. It has 10 cartridges and each cartridge lasts about as long as a pack of cigarettes, so I should be ok for a while.

The guy I was hanging out with yesterday had one and Ive seen other people use them, so it got me curious. I read a shitload or reviews and this is one of the best and cheapest ones.

Im also fucking tired of going outside in the cold to smoke. I think thats the main reason.

Edited by Strangelove
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