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Well, I just ordered my piercing tools. Ive been thinking about repiercing my nose for a long time and I also wanted to always do one of my ears, the cartilage part.

I didnt really want to do it because Im 26 and I feel like im too old to have shit on my face and ears, but I figure if I dont do it, im just letting other people fuck with my head. Our generation might be the first to have facial piercings and having it be the norm into old age. God knows Generation X pussied out and became businessmen instead.

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Where on your nose do you want to repierce?


I have an orbital, rook and tragus piercings and I'm 30. I guess most people don't even notice them, and when they do I've only had +ve comments. Though I guess most people would be too polite to say I look awful?! I guess it helps I have a friendly face so even with them in I don't look threatening, even when I used to have a skinhead!


I definitely think ear piercings are less attention grabbing than facial piercings though. I used to have a labret piercing but had to take it out as it was rubbing on my gum, and while I loved it at the time I do think I would feel more self-conscious if i had it in now.


What's the rectangular thing in the middle that looks a bit like the top of a hammer? Have you ever pierced yourself before? I have, and it was fairly hair-raising! I've been debating with myself for a looong time if I should pierce my nipples myself or get it done professionally.

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Im just going to get a nostril piercing and get two hoops on my right ear. On the top.

Its just the job thing. Most jobs wont let you have piercings or a lot of facial hair, two things i actually like to do myself.


And the thing in the middle is a needle pusher. Ive pierced myself a lot of times and pushing the needle in is by far the most difficult part for me.

To be honest, I sweat bullets every time I do it. I havent gotten used to it. It doesnt even hurt much, its just scary for me for some reason.

This is also going to be my first time doing the cartilage though, but I figure if people in the jungles of Africa can do it with shards of metal they sharpened from the ground, so can i.

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I'm one of those who's pussied out. I used to have an eyebrow stud but took it out when was trying to get an internship sophomore year of college so I could look "respectable", and I have a tattoo but I specifically got it on my right shoulder blade so it would be covered unless I wasn't wearing a shirt.


*Edit* -

  On 2/8/2012 at 1:28 AM, Strangelove said:
It doesnt even hurt much, its just scary for me for some reason.


That's your body telling you it's a bad idea to ram bits of metal through it. ;)

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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  On 2/8/2012 at 1:54 AM, TheMightyEthan said:

I'm one of those who's pussied out. I used to have an eyebrow stud but took it out when was trying to get an internship sophomore year of college so I could look "respectable", and I have a tattoo but I specifically got it on my right shoulder blade so it would be covered unless I wasn't wearing a shirt.


*Edit* -

  On 2/8/2012 at 1:28 AM, Strangelove said:
It doesnt even hurt much, its just scary for me for some reason.


That's your body telling you it's a bad idea to ram bits of metal through it. ;)


Ill ram anything I want into any orifice I desire! Good day to you, sir!

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  On 2/11/2012 at 10:25 PM, Battra92 said:
That's more for when I'm being weird and looking at the end of a pencil or something.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Oh man, that is totally the kind of thing I would do.

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  On 2/11/2012 at 10:36 PM, TheMightyEthan said:
  On 2/11/2012 at 10:25 PM, Battra92 said:
That's more for when I'm being weird and looking at the end of a pencil or something.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Oh man, that is totally the kind of thing I would do.


I used to work at a shop that sold sterling silver flatware. Long story short, until silver went up so high that it was worth scrapping things en masse, I had very little work to do some days. My boss (the owner) was deathly ill for a time before passing on (don't chain smoke and drink like a fish, btw) and so I would be there all by myself with no customers and no orders coming in. I used to spend hours with the super high magnification jeweler's loupe looking at stuff up close: markings on silver, bits of dirt, crumbs from my lunch etc.

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I hate buying digital downloads but it was $5 and included FLAC files.


There's a 15% off sale at Rifftrax and decided to splurge














And finally, a masterpiece of filmmaking ...




Really, the preview says it all:



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