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Yeah, according to T-Mobile's own coverage map, I'd have to drive 45 miles to get anything better than 2G.  Same for AT&T.


On US Cellular I could get 3G here, and Verizon's got 4G coverage (though I'm right on the edge of it).  They're not compatible though.



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Now I'm trying to decide where on my shelf to put Captain America and the Iron Man movies.  Normally I alphabetize things, but I make an exception for series (for example The Dark Knight follows Batman Begins even though there are other movies that should come between in a strict alphabetical sense), but I can't decide whether to treat Iron Man and Captain America as being part of the Marvel's Avengers series or as their own things.

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I had $10 in Amazon Instant Video credit that expired tomorrow (got it for buying Halo 4), so I needed to get something and I'd heard this was at least decent.  Also my selection was somewhat limited because I didn't want to exceed the $10 and I have Amazon Prime so 90% of the things I would have been interested in were free on Prime.

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I've seen Tasker on sale, and it seems a neat app and the update seems to please people, but somewhat reluctant to support the developers assholeishness in making the price £=$=€ when Play perfectly supports currency conversions. 10cents = 10p I'm fine with, but a 50% mark-up of price can fuck right off.

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Tons of blurays Ive bought these last couple of weeks:


Leon The Professional

Breakfast At Tiffany's

Black Swan

Back To The Future Trilogy


The Thing


Death Proof

Planet Terror




I now have way more blurays than DVDs. The rest of my DVDs are really just Simpsons boxsets and other tv shows. I doubt half of those will ever come out on bluray.

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What are you going to use any of them for?


Before I figure out more uses basic stuff like switching to wifi when I come home/turning it off when I leave and stuff like that so I don't have to fuck with Tasker and unreliable methods for finding my location that work too slowly. Setting modes for when I get to sleep, the weekend, etc. So physical Tasker, I guess.

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