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When I first heard about it, I wanted to see it. Just that it never played in any local cinemas, then I was waiting for the DVD price to drop...then when it had, I put it on my birthday list as my sisters can grab cheap stuff if they want...but then had to wait because two of my sisters were slow at buying me a present and didn't want to mess that up in case. So after all that waiting, this film better be good! :P

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Trigun The Complete Series (DVD)

Trigun Badlands Rumble (Blu-ray)


Again, though Trigun is available on Netflix, I'll always try to get a series I love in a physical format for posterity's sake. The series itself was $19 and I got the movie on Blu-ray for $14. Usually I try to keep series on the same format, but considering the show and movie are 10 years (or so) apart, it's the exception to the rule.


One pet peeve of mine is evident in the packaging of the Trigun series: excessive gluing. The wrap on the case was glued pretty tight with three of the four sides receiving two lines of glue per side. Kills me because I can't stand having little strips of wrap clinging to my cases, and etc. It rarely happens, but it's always a pain when it does.

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Done with my Droid X2 and its very very very old version of Android, and didn't want to splash the cash for a Nexus 4. This appeared on sale, so I figured why not.


An iPhone 5 on sale is still going to be more expensive than a Nexus 4. The iPhone 5 is nearly double the cost of a N4.

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As someone said, subsidized. Yeah, fuck the man and all, but I'm content with what I have. As for the whole iOS vs. Android thing, so far I'm happy. I think Android is probably a superior OS in its purest form (Nexus), but my iPhone does what I want it to do, and that's good enough for me. 

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As someone said, subsidized. Yeah, fuck the man and all, but I'm content with what I have. As for the whole iOS vs. Android thing, so far I'm happy. I think Android is probably a superior OS in its purest form (Nexus), but my iPhone does what I want it to do, and that's good enough for me. 


Ewwwwww. Get your filthy two-year contract away from me, plebian.


Why anyone would be on a contract at a time like this when everyone is moving to LTE is beyond me.

Edited by Faiblesse Des Sens
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Or does this go in Games You've Bought? :P

Friends like boardgames/cardgames and I've heard very good things about this. Plus, it sounds right up my street: superheroes, co-operative and no dice mechanic (fuck Elder Sign!)




Decided to give these a go as I did like some of the old ninja turtle stuff. It's another origin reboot that also wants to incorporate the old '80s cartoon stuff, and I'm not entirely onboard with it yet. I think they've taken an OK approach, but it hasn't really gone anywhere after 4 issues (the micro-series is good mini-stories) and seems to be leaving some of the more important details until later. I won't be in a hurry to buy more though, not unless they become cheaper.

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Why does everyone going to LTE have anything to do with a contract?


The playing field is becoming more level in terms of service and what is offered by each carrier. So you'll be stuck with whatever you have now when a better, cheaper option could pop up. Also if you're on Verizon then you're also forfeiting phone selection for the next 2 years.

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