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Recently purchased Scott Pilgrim on Blu-Ray and I got it on a very good deal on Amazon. It's only 14 bucks! Do not know if it matters but it is listed on Amazon US, do not know about other regions.



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Well, I went on another DVD purchasing spree: this time from England. Thank God for not having to pay VAT as well as my Region Free PAL to NTSC DVD player. :D



I saw this documentary as a kid but sadly there is no US release outside of a long OOP VHS and Laserdisc. They both bring good cash on eBay.



I'm not a big fan of this Commie but I can't deny that he left his mark on cinema. The US release by Flicker Alley was $80! This one was less than $20 after the exchange rate. The content is 100% identical!



Early British filmmaker. R.W. Paul built the first camera that Méliès owned!




(the set I got is on the right and as you can see the packaging is vastly superior to the expensive and now OOP US release.)

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Also signed up for a press pass, so fingers crossed.


edit: fucked up the press pass stuff. Turns out you apple as press, they give the go ahead, then you get the tickets. So it's special separate tickets, not a pass to go alongside normal tickets.

Kind of a fucked up system if you ask me. Especially since the Thursday "press" day sells out quick.



I got one of these the other day too:



Via Ethan.

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I haven't bought new boots since high school (some nice hunting boots), but that probably has to do with the fact that I only wear them when it snows or when it's really raining hard (they're waterproof).


Haha, that's exactly what I do! My work shoes are falling apart at the back (on the inside) so I repaired them with a bit of black tape. They've lasted me a year and a half of daily use at work so I can't complain much. Still, the longer I can wait on dropping $30 on a pair of shoes, the better.

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